The Damage.
The fat ass changing the oil leaned up on the fender to much, and pushed it out of align.
When I opened the door for my old lady later that night, we found out that it happened.... And this is what happened.
So now, I have to call the "area manger" who told his store manger that I was a liar, and get some money out of all this to fix it. And something similar happened to a friend of mine and it took him about 2 weeks, and a call to the BBB to get his money for his bumper.
HOWEVER! I did accomplish something good that day. Got picked up 2 things for my summer project. (Project D&D... (drag and destroy))
those fenders are carbon???? and it looks like more than the door hit that !
1st 1st gen on air.....
yes, they are OEM fenders. Sold the CF ones to fund air ride.
And it wasn't as bad the first time I opened it, But we weren't paying attention to the fenders when I opened it. After all, it worked fine the night before.... and all I did was drive home, drive to quick stop, drive to my g/f's.
That picture is after opening the door two times.
I'm pretty upset about the deal. Those mats they lay over your fender protect from oil and tools. Not fat ass employee's who have to lean on a car to work on it.
no offence but
1. if he was doing an oil change why was he leaning over your fender?
2. theres ripples and scratches past where the fender rolled in . it kinda looks like
A. you hit someone (it was new years eve and people are known for drinking)
B. someone hit you and you didnt know it till you opened the door.
C. you didnt have the fender aligned correctly.
correct me if im wrong but i cant see a fat man doing that to a fender. i would know as im bigger myself and when i replaced my motor i leaned over the fender all the time. and ive had NO problems whatsoever.
the dents/mud area is from where I was so pissed off, I kicked it

So over look that.
And I am nearly straight edge, I don't do any drugs, and I don't drink. The car's been parked at my house, and my girlfriends house. Both times, with that side fender AWAY from any traffic, and not possible for someone to park next to me.
This happened, Saturday morning.
As you know, these fenders are uber thin, and very easy to dent. I mean, someone leaning on it, can push the center of the fender in just enough to not clear the door anymore. They were perfectly aligned before I went in, and I did hear a pop when the guy opened the door. However, the car next to me was being opened at the same time, and I figured it was his. The guy opened it 1/4 of the way, and then shut it. So I thought, hey. maybe they forgot to shut it tight, and he seen that. No biggy. But sure enough. It was MY car popping. It sure as hell didn't do that the night before.
But the crunch zone there is from someone at Quick Stop leaning in on the fender too much, and miss-aligning it.
that sucks and are you going with ART Bags?
Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:

The Damage.
The fat ass changing the oil leaned up on the fender to much, and pushed it out of align.
When I opened the door for my old lady later that night, we found out that it happened.... And this is what happened.
So now, I have to call the "area manger" who told his store manger that I was a liar, and get some money out of all this to fix it. And something similar happened to a friend of mine and it took him about 2 weeks, and a call to the BBB to get his money for his bumper.
HOWEVER! I did accomplish something good that day. Got picked up 2 things for my summer project. (Project D&D... (drag and destroy))

Something tells me if the fender had been mounted correctly that would not have happened.
I have leaned on my fenders and pulled 400 pounds of engine towards me and nothing of that sort happened.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, January 01, 2007 2:26 PM
yellow22 wrote:that sucks and are you going with ART Bags?
easy street.
Just got the tank/compressor used from my friend Matt's PT for $75.
Its a Viar 400C compreesor, 33%duty cycle.
Now that you kicked it they will be like I did'nt do that. LOL. Just bite the bullet and get another 20 dollar fender.
Story sounds pretty unbelievable to me, at least it didnt happen to the CF ones, then it may have mattered. Like he said above, just go ot a yard and buy a new fender.

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Yeah with the money you spent paying someone to change your oil if you had done it on your own you could have bought a new fender anyways. They are just going to laugh at you.
Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:yellow22 wrote:that sucks and are you going with ART Bags?
easy street.
Just got the tank/compressor used from my friend Matt's PT for $75.
Its a Viar 400C compreesor, 33%duty cycle.
i would just suggest upgrading that compressor
yellow22 wrote:Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:yellow22 wrote:that sucks and are you going with ART Bags?
easy street.
Just got the tank/compressor used from my friend Matt's PT for $75.
Its a Viar 400C compreesor, 33%duty cycle.
i would just suggest upgrading that compressor
Don't bother I'm sure its good enough for whatever he's doing with it.
BlackEco wrote:yellow22 wrote:Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:yellow22 wrote:that sucks and are you going with ART Bags?
easy street.
Just got the tank/compressor used from my friend Matt's PT for $75.
Its a Viar 400C compreesor, 33%duty cycle.
i would just suggest upgrading that compressor
Don't bother I'm sure its good enough for whatever he's doing with it.
STFU erik.
And I plan to get something a little better. Maybe a 480Viar or Air Zenith. But it's just enough to get me started.
SMC Valves (4 1/2" and 4 3/8") from are going to be ordered next week.
Word of advice since you like to half a55 everything,
Don't cut corners on your air ride or you'll end up killing yourself or even worse someone else.
This is a public forum you'll have to deal with me whether you like it or not.
Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:BlackEco wrote:yellow22 wrote:Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:yellow22 wrote:that sucks and are you going with ART Bags?
easy street.
Just got the tank/compressor used from my friend Matt's PT for $75.
Its a Viar 400C compreesor, 33%duty cycle.
i would just suggest upgrading that compressor
Don't bother I'm sure its good enough for whatever he's doing with it.
STFU erik.
And I plan to get something a little better. Maybe a 480Viar or Air Zenith. But it's just enough to get me started.
SMC Valves (4 1/2" and 4 3/8") from are going to be ordered next week.
nice a fight.....20 dollars on erik for name likeness

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
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what exactly do I half ass?
Lets see.... I had the exhaust welded on, instead of "clamped" like Magnaflow instructions say too... The fenders had all bolts in them and were aligned perfectly prior to Quick Stop. Head light swap is done correctly.
So please.... stfu if you don't know whats going on with my car.
wow i was just making a suggestion because he knows what im talking about. having a 100%duty compressor compard to a 33% duty.
oh and another suggestion is the 450 are really nice to thats what i was running but the az are nice also. lil more money though.
dude you didnt even get the clips for the corner lights on the headlight swap how was it done right??
or your taped up corner lights on your 2g lol you do everything right. your fat ass hulk girlfriend prolly leaned on it at her house lol good luck with the air ride... thought you were going for speed with your 16 second RICE car
Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:what exactly do I half ass?
Lets see.... I had the exhaust welded on, instead of "clamped" like Magnaflow instructions say too... The fenders had all bolts in them and were aligned perfectly prior to Quick Stop. Head light swap is done correctly.
So please.... stfu if you don't know whats going on with my car.
Theres no way if the fender was installed properly it could have moved back enough to rub the door.
Actually the fenders weren't aligned, you did a 00+ headlight swap without using the brackets, you even bragged about this yourself and tried to tell someone else it wasn't necessary they spend the 5 dollars for brackets at a junkyard. Your old "CF" fenders weren't aligned right either and thats why when you shut the hood one of the corners was chipped off on the passenger side. Not to mention you spray bombed primer all over your rear fender and you even got it on the rear bumper cover so it now will also need to be repainted rather than just the rear quarter which wouldn't have been expensive to begin with but now your bumper and quarter will have to be stripped by someone who knows what they are doing so the paint doesn't react when in fact it looked better before you primered so it really could have just waited. Oh and you also painted a nice set of stock Z wheels with rust-o-lium which I would have given you 200 bucks for but instead because they were painted you only got 165.
Don't even get me started with your 2nd Gen, or the Fiero on bags with V8 swap you told everyone you had 2 years ago.
do some research.... you'll find that you don't need the brackets to do the swap.
and even if I had them, it'd do me no good because the corners Aaron sent me, had the tabs for the bracket broken off anyways.
im done wasting post on you.