Hey guys what's up me and kardain are talking about making some kind of flyers to pass out to j-owners that are non-members. We need some pictures of some nice j's and we don't want to just steal peoples hard work so if anyone wants to post pics of their cars go right ahead.
I'm gonna let kardain choose which ones he wants to use because he is doing all the work.
Just remeber a couple things:
The pics you post must be of YOUR car.
If you post the pics you are giving us permission to use them
We need all kinds of J's not just Cavi's
Ok post away
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
Scriz wrote:Doubleposting?
He's posting from a Sidekick, so it might be accidental
Sorry guys phone glitch it was an accident damn I waisted a post for this month
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
Kardain wrote:Scriz wrote:Doubleposting?
He's posting from a Sidekick, so it might be accidental 
^^ he's exactly right thanks a lot kardain
And thanks for the pics alias!
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
heres my suggestion....
on the flyer maybe there should be a picture of a clean, simple car and one of a WILD car; and possible something in the middle... to show that the org consists of all types of modifying levels.
Godspeed wrote:heres my suggestion....
on the flyer maybe there should be a picture of a clean, simple car and one of a WILD car; and possible something in the middle... to show that the org consists of all types of modifying levels.
Good suggestion
Looks like we have clean & simple, the in-between, now just need the wild (and a Fire or 2 as well would be a nice touch)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:16 PM
well yeah!!! WE BETTER HAVE A FIRE!!!!!! wish sndsgood was finished...lol
thats what i was goin for with my pics if mine gets chosen thats sweet but like godspeed said i agree go one simple clean modified cav and fire then one crazy but not obscene modifeid cav and fire
sbadazzbowtie, do you have links to bigger sizes of those pics?
z22cavrs, you're in. I'm going with the second pic, and the second one of Godspeed's (same angle, opposing views)
alias, yours as well.
Just looking for one more Fire and maybe one more heavily modded Cav.
I'm not sure if these are going to be printed in color or b/w, so the cleaner the picture, the better... I'm just designing it
you're welcome yo use any of the pics i posted in the calander thread in general
I idea instead of a flyer why not make a business card with the orgs info on it. I did this for my local area. We have monhtly meets. I put my contact info, and on the back the org info. I leave it on a car (J if I see one, or to the person). This way t is small cheap to make. Also people sometimes get bugged by flyers. Just a idea.
FU Tuning
Its all up to kardain he's the man on this one
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***