Very nice!!!
Watch out there nah!
not bad!
your friends ride is very nice also
I still wanna see more interior shots with everything put together now
Your headlight looks like its about to fall out.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
^^i thought that too at first

Looks good though.. im interested to know what beat you?
nice pix man

Getting "better built" for the '08...
thats cool i love that blazer too it has a cavi dash. is it yours?
quick call it "seamless" but why is your front bumper not molded?
i wish i would have known about the show i probably would have went...
how many sport compacts were entered? you and who else. there are alot of classic cars from the looks of things.... congrats anyways
it looks like the console is leaning. overall i think the gray came out alittle better with the green do to the dark colored seats
Definately need to put the headrests on the seats, and front bumper should be molded if your calling it seamless... there should be no seams...
maybe you could change the name to (coupleseams)
Overall I love the idea and the colors, and all the parts you used. I just wish your glassing skills were a bit better. (far better then what I could do) I just dont like how everything isnt alligned properly... the console is not straight at all...
ok im not trying to bash or you slam you do or anything like that, please dont take it the wrong way mike.
but... why dont you open your hood more? i know it "looks" cool, but at every show ive ever been to the judges want "plain in-sight" view of the engine bay, otherwise they dock you. i mean lets be honest here... what judge wants to have to get on his knees to try'n look over an engine bay?
i think if you opened ur hood more you would do better at a show... unless ur engine bay isnt very nice?
either way, u have a nice car there, and i think with some tweaks here n there (all were already said) it could be a 1st place car.
UFlip06 said it best: Just look underneath the engine and if you see big hairy balls it's a 2.4 Twin Cam, if they're shaved it's an Ecotec and if you see nothing it's a 2200!
there's no reason to open the hood when its stock and dirty
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:it looks like the console is leaning
It's either not bolted down, or it's the angle of the picture.
Joe Schulte wrote:StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:it looks like the console is leaning
It's either not bolted down, or it's the angle of the picture.
ah right, silly me for asking. i should of known better
the hood i dont like to open at shows because it throws the look the car off plus i really dont have to much done at the time of the engine. I do have a few things, its deff. not dirty though. Its very clean and everything including the firewall is painted.
It was a dodge avenger that beat me, 3rd place was the blazer that is parked next to me
^so why didnt you mold the front bumper to be seemless?
bring on the pics of this avenger... i wanna see that ISH!!!
UFlip06 said it best: Just look underneath the engine and if you see big hairy balls it's a 2.4 Twin Cam, if they're shaved it's an Ecotec and if you see nothing it's a 2200!