i aquired a bunch of foam blocks from work so i wanted to try some things out and see how it would work.
i cut out some pices and shoved them it my dash trim vents and took a file to them, now i will use this as a
support for when i fiber glass over them. i am also going to use these blocks to make my own cp player bracket,
then fiber glass it to my dash trim. now i am lookin all over my car to see what else i could do... thinkin about a
gauge bezzle on my dash. its sure is a mess!!
Idont think that foam will hold the resin . I think it will melt the foam . you can only try ..
good idea, however there is a certain kind of foam that works "best" for that....
watch for flying sparks!!!
i am puttin fleese over that and puttin the resin on the fleese, iv tried it already a while back, i made a mold out of foam..wrapped it in fleese..coated it in resin.. the finish product turned out quite well
boostNbags wrote:good idea, however there is a certain kind of foam that works "best" for that....
yea, this foam is very pourous.. the foam i used last time was really compact... i gues we will see!
that foam will be eaten up by the fiberglass resin. why the foam then the fleece? why not just the fleece? Or even use some carboard and shove it in place from behin the dash.
Either way, it's a work in progress...the end results will be different no matter how you get there.
ive tried this before... not for filling holes, but for a volcano i had to make in college... turned into a big pile or resin and fabric.... it eats thru it very fast

maybe cover the foam in elmers glue first? That should keep the resin from eating the foam, I would think.
either way, looks like a great start.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
not a bad idea. I did some fiberglassing once using foam, i used the contractor stuff that comes compressed in a can. had no problem with the resin melting it. just realy crappy to work with.
your just wasting time with the foam..... now if you spray something on the foam, so that the resin wont eat it.. you can ditch the fleece alltogether.. now that would be a good idea.
STYLEZ wrote:your just wasting time with the foam..... now if you spray something on the foam, so that the resin wont eat it.. you can ditch the fleece alltogether.. now that would be a good idea.
what would you spray on the foam tho?
boostNbags wrote:good idea, however there is a certain kind of foam that works "best" for that....
ive seen people use that green foam. the one you use for plants to work on the bodykits.