Nice man you made a lot of good changes and I ecpecially love it now. Keep it up!!
i love that color blue! it looks soo freaking hot
Car has a great stance.
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
Looks great!

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Thanks everyone for the compliments. this was the first time i dug up all my pictures of the car over the years and looked at them, i must say i dont know what the hell i was thinking at times with some of the stuff i did to it lol.
we all look back once in a while and wonder why?? lol we learn as we go i guess
holy @!#$ the last year was a DRAMATIC inprovement...very nice man
StreetDreamZz wrote:holy @!#$ the last year was a DRAMATIC inprovement...very nice man
lol yeah it was a big year. I wanted to get the car painted so i figured if i was goin that far might as well body kit it and throw on some 18s.
very nice improvements. love the color. just change those tails, they look tacky.

Member of J-body of Michigan.