I will update as we go.
On this list of to do:
Build box for 2 12W7's
Build Amp Rack
Install Toyota Tails and Wire them - DONE!
Install Navigation - DONE!
Remove Fiberglass door speaker pods and final sand then paint
Add another 5gal. tank to the Air Ride set up
Panel off the trunk after the System is done
The subs will fire foward and be sealed off from the trunk.
Amp/Battery rack with be in the Rear Seat Area
Only compressors and Tanks will be visable in the trunk, CHROME.
Started Yesterday (my day off) by getting the cav out of storage unit and taking it to Duke's. Within 2 hours of being in the building the Toyota Tails were wired and installed.
Today I finished all the jobs I had to do by 4:30pm or so. We close at 6pm.

Gotta love having my car at the other end of the shop. Mounted the Kenwood G510 Hideaway Navigation Hard drive Module.
I mounted it to the top of the glove box.

It fits nicely with the Cd Changer and Owners Manual.

And I still have FULL ACCESS to the SD card Slot for updating the maps at a later date.
Took a pic of the MONSTERS!
I also purchased the JL AUDIO Grill Bars that are Aluminum for the W7's. Thinking of sanding and polishing them to shine like chrome.
That is all for now.
Monday if I get some free time I will remove the door panels and Speaker pods and begin to prep them for paint.
Updates as we go.
what size amp is gonna be pushing that beast? i check it out and it can handle 1500 watts rms before you void the warranty. i have 2 10w6s and they take near 800 watts rms. just dont have the amp yet.
I have my amps already. JL AUDIO 1000/1 and the 450/4 for the highs. Depending on how good it sounds and how it looks when it is finished, I amy end up buying a 2nd 1000/1
your gonna need the other 1000/1.

i need to pick up the 1000/1 myself.
god dam son!! your car is hawt looking!! keep us posted as you go im interested in the building of the new home for those big monsters
2 12w7 weight 45lbs a piece. insane!!!!!!!!!
I know, I HATE IT!! I LOVE MY BLUE PLATE! But what can you do? I'm renewing them for both my cars Next week. Thinking of gettin a Custom plate for my 03 while I'm at it. I also have 2 of my Blue ROLN19S plates, Thinking of maybe getting one CHROME DIPPED and use it for car shows.
Carbon Cavi wrote:new exhaust for 07?
Yes, but not until it is on the road. Prolly sometime early spring.
James those toyos just completed your car now, dont ever change a thing. Oh and why dont you get a system that will actually be loud.
Chewy likes Cake wrote:James those toyos just completed your car now, dont ever change a thing. Oh and why dont you get a system that will actually be loud.
I know, right? It is always so Un-Impressive. This year at the BBQ I'm gonna strap you in the passenger seat, then get out and turn it up.
Thanks for the compliments.
ill be in line for that!! cant wait for this season.

Member of J-body of Michigan.
toyos> than your former tails... looks 100x better.
can't wait to see how she comes along
Lookin good James... as usual, Im loving the tails over the blue ones
One of those subs looks familar

I still need an amp for the 8s but I should be picking one up soon.
VERY nice upgrade, those blue tails really looked horrid man, thanks a million for changing them! lol
as for the stereo... nice job, lol but do u really think u need 2? i think ONE would be plenty, but hey... thats just me!
From the 26th - I ran out of posts.
OK, today was kinda slow at work, so what better than working on my car. I love having a nice heated garage to work in.
Sorry, these pics are from my Phone. Forgot to take my camera to work.
Got the Interior Out. Still need to remove the front door panels for painting of the speaker pods.

Pic of the Twins

Pic of the Power Plant.
Here is how my Valve Set up was before. I had 2 hoses coming off the tank going under the false floor, 1 went into the Pressure Switch and the other to the Valves.
I took all the Valves off the board and Tightened the using a vise to get any Tiny leaks taken care of. Also was a good time to cover the board and clean up the wires a little bit.
I used a Barrier Strip and Spade terminals to clean up the connections from the Switchbox to the valves.
JL Audio Distribution Blocks for the Power to my compressors. 4awg in and 8awg to the compressors. Also used the Ground block to ground the Valves.
Here is a pic of the valves back in the car. The ground is hooked up but not the power yet. This time ONLY 1 Hose will come off of the Tanks and go into the Floor and Feed ALL 8 valves and the Pressure switch. And if my Pressure switch ever fails, there is a PTC fitting for EASY Swap out/
Next on the list is to get the door pods painted and while there are getting painted I will start the Sub Enclosure.
Hopefully Before spring it will be done 100%. At this rate I can't see why not.
From the 28th:
Ok, yesterday I disassembled the door panels and got the speaker pods in primer.
Today I sanded a little bit and got the color on them. It turned out pretty good IMO. Yes there are imperfections, The speakers and grills cover almost the entire face and the other parts will not be seen.
I will mount the speakers back in them and put my door panels back together and take pics with my camera instead of my phone. All in all I think they will look sweet once put back together.
Lookin great! You should come over & help me finish installing my bags! lol

JASON's "AIR RIDE MAFIA" (airbagsource.com)
Kevin Richter wrote:Lookin great! You should come over & help me finish installing my bags! lol
Bring your car to me, I'll help you.