Nice. Any woodland creature unlucky enough to find himself wedged under there is bound to be impressed.
Seriously though, my car is lucky to see a bi-annual undercoating. Rust is simply an inevitability, espcially when my
home town gets free salt for road maintenance from the worlds largest salt mine.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, February 25, 2007 6:35 AM

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
Zach Hilton wrote:do to the recent not running mystery with my car, and my headlight wiring catching fire my car has found itself on jackstands.
Ouch, what 9007 pigtails did you use?
so what are you using for undercoating? i planned on doing POR15 but just dont know when thatll happen with $
Looks good tho
spring? just got like a foot of snow last night, no spring here
manta z wrote:Zach Hilton wrote:do to the recent not running mystery with my car, and my headlight wiring catching fire my car has found itself on jackstands.
Ouch, what 9007 pigtails did you use?
so what are you using for undercoating? i planned on doing POR15 but just dont know when thatll happen with $
Looks good tho
I had some Street Glow Xenons that I have used for over five years. I turned them on one night and boom they caught fire.
Its actually an undercoating a used a few years ago just cleaned up and clearcoated. I didn't use any undercoating under the car, thats just the original color of the oilpan.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
Zach Hilton wrote:I had some Street Glow Xenons that I have used for over five years. I turned them on one night and boom they caught fire. 
eh... NOT cool... i have the exact same bulbs

ive used them over n over again in almost every car ive ever owned and never had any issues, aside from the fact that they are nowhere near reliable, its a safe bet to just plan on buying a new set every year since they blow out so damn often.
that sucks man, what did you do? did it ruin ur headlight housings?
z yaaaa wrote:Zach Hilton wrote:I had some Street Glow Xenons that I have used for over five years. I turned them on one night and boom they caught fire. 
eh... NOT cool... i have the exact same bulbs
ive used them over n over again in almost every car ive ever owned and never had any issues, aside from the fact that they are nowhere near reliable, its a safe bet to just plan on buying a new set every year since they blow out so damn often.
that sucks man, what did you do? did it ruin ur headlight housings?
The housings itself on the backside were just scorched but the headlights are still good. The ballasts though the bulbs plug into melted.
Its funny you mention them blowing, until now I've never once had a problem.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
my 97 is a little rough, i really should get under there and clean er' up this year. I do use a high pressure wash underneath it after winter to try and get most of the salt off
you did a damn good job tho, looks real good
Geeky wrote:Nice. Any woodland creature unlucky enough to find himself wedged under there is bound to be impressed.
Seriously though, my car is lucky to see a bi-annual undercoating. Rust is simply an inevitability, espcially when my home town gets free salt for road maintenance from the worlds largest salt mine.
wow had no idea you lived in good ol godrock

check out
you have too much time on your hands.
STYLEZ wrote:you have too much time on your hands.
Ditto. My wheel wells get lucky from time to time, but thats about it.
Zach Hilton wrote:Its funny you mention them blowing, until now I've never once had a problem.
you lucky bastad! lol god i think ive spent $350.00 on bulbs over the years.
STYLEZ wrote:you have too much time on your hands.
The car has been on jackstands for three weeks now. Minus the oilpan my car stays pretty clean. I've got less than three hours total invested on this little project.
z yaaaa ,
I'd be look at HID's before I spent that on bulbs lol.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
i dont care to see the underside....i wanna see the outside