that aint right i was just lookin at it and is working just fine!!!!
MIGHT sound stupid?
Page works fine for me, though I got blasted by the background music. I should know better by know -- aways squint and turn down your speakers before entering a MySpace page, as they are generally always an assault on the senses.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
OMG your whip is so JDM it hurts!!
Mr. Cake wrote:um ok i see a black page
when i checked it the first time it was all black with black lettering and i couldnt see @!#$ but now the page looks better
s1lver_N1p wrote:not really jdm. wish people wouldn't use the phrase unless they at least more than 1 part that's aftermarket for jdm. body kits are made in usa for usdm.
I have a couple toyota cav parts and I have never claimed my car to be JDM, I don't car what anyone says a couple interior trim pieces, some spray painted corner lights and a knock off replica body kit don't make your CHEVY JDM

I dont see anything thats jdm on the car
The fenders.. that's all I noticed
There is nothing wrong with putting your car on myspace. Your myspace page is supposed to represent you, so if your really into your car, well then it did represent you. Have you heard of The whole purpose of that site is to showcase your car.

i do have a cardomain page to, but hey why cant my car have a myspace page to???? now the guy whos done all the work on my car is got a Nissan Silvia here is his page if yoa wanna see it, anyways if i wanna call my car JDM i just do it for fun it aint like im takin my car to any shows! By the way im in Portlan Oregon!!!!
Serge Zele wrote: if i wanna call my car JDM i just do it for fun it aint like im takin my car to any shows!
and this here is the PERFECT example of why "JDM" has become an over rated joke hahahah
JDM is the new Type R
and by the way JDM has nothing to do with going to car shows
true but what the hell????? is all good im really happy with my Z24 and plus im the only one out here that has one!!!! now if it bothers yoa so much i could take that off and put something else i mean it wasnt about the JDM word that i did this, i only did this cuz of the J-Body org, aight enjoy 777
Dude, who gives a sh!t what darkstars thinks? If three letters are going to get his panties in a bunch hes the one with a problem. He's just an @ss with a nice ass car.
SEC-Z wrote:Dude, who gives a sh!t what darkstars thinks? If three letters are going to get his panties in a bunch hes the one with a problem. He's just an @ss with a nice ass car.
YAY someone who understands.
your always going to get negative comments form someone for something, ignore it, live with it, whatever. Personally I like the car itself, it looks really good IMO, I just hate the JDM fade that has become a joke. Call it what you want the car is still nice and te car still isn't JDM.
Well i fix the stupid ass word so how about that????? Now what yoa think of my myspace Page???? i just add it more pics to but not of my ride, is all good!!!! enjoy 777
By the way SEC-Z your car is tight pa!!! i've seen a video of it somewhere i just dont remember where, afuego 777
?????????????????????????????????????????????? im done!!!!!!!
Theres one on But thanks bro, yours is looking damn nice too, keep it JDM though, lol. just cuz its funny watching these kids get mad bout it.
I always called it hoespace around here it seems to be how you meet a local hoe.