Cleaned the car - Photos & Media Forum

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Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 4:30 PM
I cleaned the car today to get it ready for the upcoming racing weekend. The track opens on Saturday and we all know that a clean car is a fast car. I ran some crappy times last year but hopefully this time around I'll get some respectable times. My best time last year was a 14.9 with a 2.3 second 60ft time. Yeah, thats sucky. It feels like a whole new car now since I swapped to a bigger tb and put new plugs in it. I actually see more boost now than I did originally. Hopefully the b&m shiftplus and the intercooler spray bar will help out along with my new wheels and tires. I didn't put the wheels on yet cuz there is still a ton of salt on the roads, but I'm gonna put them on right before I leave for the track Saturday morning and then I'll take them right back off and clean them really well after I finish racing on Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully I can con one of my friends into coming along and taking videos of my runs. After all, the org loves racing videos

anyways, on to the pics

mmm...wheels with grippy tires

thanks for looking. hopefully if I can find a friend to come with me, I'll have videos to post up this weekend

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 4:32 PM
looks good n clean. Good luck this weekend..cant wait to see ur times

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 4:48 PM
hmm is that a teaser of the seat?
hopefully you can get a video that would be sweet, good luck

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 4:52 PM
J-TECH tuner wrote:hmm is that a teaser of the seat?
hopefully you can get a video that would be sweet, good luck

that red seat used to be in my roommate's z24. he ended up going back to stock seats so that one is our video game seat for playing GT4. here's a pic of our gaming setup

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:03 PM
silver car = sex

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:13 PM
good luck at the track man. i always love your car.

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:07 PM
I always liked your car. I love the rim and tire choice. Not really a bug fan of toyota tails though. I think it would look alot better with out the pinstripe or emblem. Good luck at the track.


Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:38 PM
Let me know how you like those tires. thats what im looking to get as soon as i get my check. i hear good things about them.

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:03 PM
I have those tires and I love them.

I haven't raced them yet though.

looks good man.

Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:15 PM
looks great as always andy! can't wait to see your new times!

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:44 PM
awesome car!! go get some good times man!

Member of J-body of Michigan.

Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:09 PM


Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:26 PM
of all things, I cant wait to see those wheels on your car. Be sure to take pics!

Blew it up, build numbers coming soon
Re: Cleaned the car
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 11:40 PM
You know I like it

Re: Cleaned the car
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:14 AM
That's hot I tell you!!!

Get someone to go with you too....I want to see, and hear, that car!!

Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
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