well this morning i got up and left my house (near mansfield oh) and went bout 1hr 45 min to toledo and bought this!!
got to thank Marchi1.. and i will hopefully get this installed soon... u guys will deff see it when u come here 4 the bash!!!!!! c&c welcome.

pool table? i dont get it...
if someone thinks im serious there dumber then they thought i was
I dont see the extended netted coolant hose that comes out of the valve cover over the supercharger and into the radiator..Looks great. I love the polished supercharger
NICE!!!! get that ish installed man! ohhhhhh polllllllished ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Pmpedcavi04 wrote:I dont see the extended netted coolant hose that comes out of the valve cover over the supercharger and into the radiator..Looks great. I love the polished supercharger
ya he didnt want 2 take that off lol! o well ill get one... no biggie.. and thanks guys i love the look of polished!

Ahh Someone finally bought his kit. Very nice.
Nice man
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
I'd rock it....wanna loan it?
Who the hell had that in Toledo???
KeithGT wrote:Who the hell had that in Toledo???
I met paul in toledo, he lives in michigan

Bout time someone bought that from him. Even better its you. Can't wait to see it installed man. Keep us updated...
very nice man. wish i coulda gotten that from him.

Member of J-body of Michigan.
great pickup kyle, cant wait til we install it. my saab setup is on the way. i cant wait to get it on either
we will have our cars side by side, one doing turbo, other s/c. we will get them done at the same time.
i will be over later tonight
My only regret about my supercharger was that I did not install it sooner. You are gonna love it.

Bonnett wrote:great pickup kyle, cant wait til we install it. my saab setup is on the way. i cant wait to get it on either
we will have our cars side by side, one doing turbo, other s/c. we will get them done at the same time.
i will be over later tonight
that would b awesome 2 see lol 2 ecos one gettin charged and one turboed!!!

we're gonna have a fun time with my charge pipes with me being an auto too, lol, thats gonna be the hardest part
yea thats gonna suck lol

u gonna b at the meetin 2morrow nite? or do u gotta get back 2 school?

im on spring break for 9 days lol
Nice pickup, glad Paul got it sold.
I've been to Mansfield once this year, toured the nice Wal-Mart and met up with a guy from here.
Bonnett wrote:we're gonna have a fun time with my charge pipes with me being an auto too, lol, thats gonna be the hardest part
i dont see how? i really dont think your going to have as much trouble as you think.
only problem i can see is if you run a pipe along the bottom of the engine to the IC-then i could def. see some tricky work involved.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, March 03, 2007 6:38 PM