With the completion of our March/April issue we are looking for submissions for our May/June issue of Domestic Driver. All submissions are due by April 1st.
This is great way to show off your car in a online magazine layout!
Go to the Submit page of our web site for more information.
We are looking for all types of submissions so really take a look to see what you can contribute!
HMMM..i think im gonna have to do this for once..my car seems worthy enough now..lol
still wish this magazine was on paper and not online but what can i do?
i have a stock Z24 so i don't think it's worthy of a magazine yet.
5 seconds to find another street...
fpz24 - Get us 1500+ subscribers thats what you can do

Then we would go back to print.
i'll submit when the swap is running. maybe....
watch for flying sparks!!!
I would but i don't think i am worthy right now... hell, I have more parts in my closet then in my car right now... dang deployments....

Car Domain Site
Yeah right not even close to e-zine worthy!!
The submission deadline is quickly approaching.
Also what does everyone think about us possibly making the e-zine free!
i miss Jbody Magazine.
I made it in once, with a how-to for a 2nd gen TBI intake. And then you ghettofied it with the "cheaper version" how-to next to mine. lol.
Once I complete the body work, and get it sprayed, I think I may have to enter for a Daily Dragger ride
Once the rims are on why not, they'll be on in a few days!
FREE E-Zine?! sure lol
The E-zine is now FREE! Everyone subscribe on the home page!
oops dont mind the pictures didnt read full instructions
We are still in need of submissions!
Mark Futey please email me your submission and upload the pictures to our web site. Check the submit page of our web site for details.