Just wondering if any of you have seen it. I keep seeing it on TV and im distracted by the cavalier so i forget what the commercial is even for (sorry ADD)

The cavalier follows the girl everywhere she goes so she has music to listen to while she is jogging or w.e. thought it was pretty funny. i tried to find it online but haven't seen it yet. anyone know what im talking about?
not new, and i dont ever pay attention to it to find out what its for.. but first time i saw it thought it was funny. u can definatly tell its been worked on and prolly was a junker.. but im to observative.
Now I cant remember what its for exactly, but it something to do with personal music players I belive...
Why is it a big deal to see a cavalier on TV?
weird i just saw it on come on tv recently, thought it was new. and i just thought it was funny they had it going down stairs n @!#$. sorry im amused easily.
^^^its amazing!!
and i believe its for a credit card. and it says get your rewards sooner or something. its a terrible commercial

yeah look at one of the other posts and i made a comment about that one, its a rewards credit card commercial, and hes jammin out to the spice girls LOL
Was it for the Dorito's commercial that first appeared during the Super Bowl?

i believe its for a credit cards reward program where you can win an mp3 player. just makes me laugh when the cav goes over the steep driveway and bottoms out with sparks flying. haha drag that @!#$
Its for the CITI credit card, I just saw it, I dont know any specific details cuz I had my TV on mute but I know it has something to due with linking the card to your chequeing account and getting rewards or something like that. Not 100% sure, dont have a CITI Card so I wouldnt know, lol
It's about a girl who goes jogging and can't afford an ipod or portable cd player, so she makes her man drive the car next to her with music blasting instead of buying an ipod or something. But yes, credit card offering rewards.
isn't "if ya wanna be my lover" by the Spice Girls playing?
Best part is it going down the stairs. As if our suspension could handle that, or the oil and tranny pans could take that much abuse. lol.
haha yea it cracked me up.
so I just noticed that that Cavalier isn't close to stock. The mirror are painted, and there is some sort of frame built around the oil and trans pan. (you can see the frame work right after goes down the steps and sparks at the FRONT bumper, not underneath the bumper..... Then again you can see it when she's going down the tree lined sidewalk.
no, the cavalier isnt modded at all...hell thats why they use a cavalier instead of an SUV...we're higher off the ground then they are.
USJDM.....GOT YA B!TCH! wrote:no, the cavalier isnt modded at all...hell thats why they use a cavalier instead of an SUV...we're higher off the ground then they are.
LOL! so true!
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