I need some high res pics of your cars drag racing and/or auto-crossing. please email them to
me thanks
Paul, Talk to Hypsy because im pretty sure he has one of him racing a blue cobalt ss....i would put it up but its his pic so ill let him do it.
that'd be great guys...the more entries the better. Tryin to build flyers for the bash
darkstars took a bunch of him and i doing it and i know he has a ton.
still need more! no one races their cobalts?
i have a few pics where one car is a J and the other is an import. want me to send those?
i also have a pic of Hypsy, JBODYHO, and KillerQuads cars in the pits.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Vincent Morris wrote:darkstars took a bunch of him and i doing it and i know he has a ton.
lool sorry, couldnt resist
I got it in a bigger version too if you want it.
All you guys saying you have pics of my car....send them to me so I can see them

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
I have a few of Airtonics, Cavfan, T2 and I autoXing if you want them. Let me know.

Go Go OG Traction!!
OG Nick wrote:I have a few of Airtonics, Cavfan, T2 and I autoXing if you want them. Let me know.
i said i wanted them...send em dammit haha
very nice...keep em comin!