Wow, dude that car is awesome
damn dude, your car looks really good. i love the color. def one of my favs right now
i love how ur hood says jack daniels.
sweet ride and great pictures
Looks good, i like it!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
That car is effing hot.
What color is that? It doesnt look like Sunburst..
wow what a beautiful car!!
thanks all
Karnage: the color is actually "sunset orange metallic" but I just call it sunburst because I'm lazy...

Getting "better built" for the '08...
wow thats just @!#$in sexy.
I want to share something with you - the three sentences that will get you through life. Number one, 'cover for me', Number two, 'oh, good idea, boss', Number three, 'it was like that when I got here.'
that car is just to damn good looking

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
nice car, very nice pics! any way i can get that second pic in high res?
wuts up w/ the hood sticker btw?
one of the few cars i would say makes may car look stupid.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Like everything but the skirts... just by chance, would you be an alcoholic?

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
tha_prowler wrote:nice car, very nice pics! any way i can get that second pic in high res?
wuts up w/ the hood sticker btw?
I'll see about the picture, I'll let you know by tuesday. The sticker is the reason why I have 3 boxes full of JD & twice as much boxes of apparel . I'm supposed to build a drag car for them later on this year, hence the sponsorship. For now I'm just supposed to participate on road course events.
Cadwz24 wrote:one of the few cars i would say makes may car look stupid.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
wow thanks man, that means a lot because I always wanted my car to be on your car's level.

Getting "better built" for the '08...
Wow.... i am in love with that color...
Nice car and Pretty damn good pics.
Dave Dunsmoor wrote:Like everything but the skirts... just by chance, would you be an alcoholic? 
I was thinking the same.
Nice color and black combo too!
Looks great!
i absoulutly love it!

Member of J-body of Michigan.
Lets see some rear shots?
wow, your car looks sick. i love those shots. dammmM!
WOW... just wow man.. nice pics, nice car... nice everything... damn i wish i had a cam that could take pics like that one LOL....
that is one of the sickest j's ive ever seen. i love the 2k+ jdm look. your car is sick