I haven't been on here for awhile but here's my cav
I'm kind of embarrassed of the rear because I don't even have the factory spoiler
But I bought the car about 5 months ago for 5 grand. Its all base model and had a few scratches but it only had 27,000 miles on it when I bought it.
Since then I put those rims and tires on that was $150 for all four rims and tires(one tire is bad)
The two rockford fosgate twelves in a box and a fosgate amp that was also $150
its not a fabulous system but it hits pretty hard.
Those blue headlight bulbs that was like 25 bucks
The ecotec decals it was like 5 bucks installed for both
The intake is off ebay it was like 35 bucks
I think that's pretty much it.....
Just to warn you guys my car has huge ugly wheel gap, is in desperate need of window tint, and looks like @!#$ with the front license plate on just a disclaimer lol
Any comments welcome bad or good
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
good start. what are your plans for it?
My plans that I actually think ill be able to do are:
A drop
Paint: door handles, mirrors, (maybe the tails and interior)
Fix the scratches
Ls wing
Rk sport lip kit
Remove front license plate
Some kind of exhaust mod (haven't decided what kind)
****the things I want to do but doubt I will do ******
Hahn turbo kit
Racing clutch
If anyone has any suggestions let me know
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
Not a bad start...decent plans too.
Like you said...needs a drop! Do it right the first time too...don't buy cheap springs and make sure you replace the shocks/struts!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
What about tiens?
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
tiens are good all depends on what type of drop you are looking for some springs drop 1.4 all the way around others 1.8. If your looking for a good clean drop go with eibach sportlines 1.7 in the front and 2.3 in the back. Thats what i got along with kyb agxs. If you go that route be sure to get the right kybs. Some are meant for a drop and others are meant to replace your stock oem shocks and struts.
forget the drop Hahn turbo asap

power > looks
i'd rock it. good start, rims look DAMN good for 150 bucks haha. i always heard good things about teins...
DroptopPaul wrote:i'd rock it. good start, rims look DAMN good for 150 bucks haha. i always heard good things about teins...
Thanks bro I just kept checkin my local classifieds and some rich guy took them off his eclipse they're a cheap company but they're pretty nice the tread is gettin kinda low though
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
AGX's are NOT meant for sportlines, plz dont buy thos if u go with sportlines get yellows or d-specs... anyways car looks nice anc clean so far man keep it up.
I have the teins basics adjustable coilover kit...could not be happier. Excellent handling. Nice drop. great quality.
Got a link for the intake?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:09 PM
AGX's are meant for the sportlines. There are two different kybs
Kyb gr'2 = BAD for sportlines
KYB AGX adjustable = GOOD for sportlines
Kyb gr2's are just a upgrade to your stock supension
the agx can handle a drop ask anyone that has them, i have had mine for over a year with the sportlines and i love them fronts and rears are set all the way to stiff. makes taking corners a breeze.
R3D05LsSport wrote:AGX's are meant for the sportlines. There are two different kybs
Kyb gr'2 = BAD for sportlines
KYB AGX adjustable = GOOD for sportlines
Sportlines wrote:Lowers vehicle 1.7" Front to 2.3" Rear.
AGXs wrote:These struts are a step above the KYB GR2 and are perfect for lowering up to 1.5".
Verdict.......not really
meant for each other, despite your success. Just trying to prevent a denied warranty claim, as I've known a few people blowing these out running past a 1.5" drop.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, March 18, 2007 11:00 AM
i know gr2's are not the adjustables the gr2's are like 70-80 a piece the agx are 125-130 a piece
Actually that was from the AGX listing, they're only warrantied for a 1.5" drop despite being adjustable.
It just mentions that they're a step above the GR2's.
ahh well that thats what i was told from someone else on here so i went with it. To each their own i guess
I bought the intake awhile ago its actually for a Z24 but it fits.
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
The KYB AGX's are meant to be used with the Eibach Prokit, which gives you a 1.4 drop all around. That's what I'm running and I love it. The sportlines drop you past the agx warranty, so if you do them you are on your own when you blow the struts.
Nice car. A lip kit, drop and tint and you'll be golden.
Man, why can't I find a deal on a car like that? Good start...keep'r going.
R3D05LsSport wrote:AGX's are meant for the sportlines. There are two different kybs
Kyb gr'2 = BAD for sportlines
KYB AGX adjustable = GOOD for sportlines
Kyb gr2's are just a upgrade to your stock supension
the agx can handle a drop ask anyone that has them, i have had mine for over a year with the sportlines and i love them fronts and rears are set all the way to stiff. makes taking corners a breeze.
a ton of wrong info going around in this thread
kyb gr2s. they are oem replacements only and should not be used for a drop.
kyb agx. are only good for a small drop up to 1.5". they will no warranty anything lower than 1.5" you can get away with going with a 1.7" drop but that would be the max i would suggest. anything lower than that will start to wear the struts much quicker.
if you lower 2"+ you should only use koni yellows or tokico dspecs (thats if you want to do it right atleast)
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***