Well saturday, i pulled the car out of the garage for a little and put her new shoes on!!!
Don't mind how dirty the car is, it hasn't been washed in a while...
In a few weeks i will have the shaved trunk lid with the prostock on, and my new gauge bezel made, im in the process of doing those right now... As i speak!!
All comments welcome!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
i like the old ones better but to each his own.
major step up...lookin good bud.
your old spoiler looked good on there, no spoiler looks good on there! Can't go wrong!
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
those are rims and tires, not shoes.
but what ever you want to call them, they look good.
I like those wheels a lot better, nice car
MUCH better then the old ones. they really make your car. makes me anxious to put mine on this week
i like it alot they complete the car
EcoEnvy wrote:In a few weeks i will have the shaved trunk lid with the prostock on
All comments welcome!
BOOOOOOOOOO why would u wanna ruin the perfect clean look of that car with a pro-stock spoiler!?! damn

it looks so AWESOME with nothing on the back!!!!
btw, nice "shoes"
Wojo wrote:i like the old ones better but to each his own.
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
BlueDeuce (dnt02cavls) wrote:Wojo wrote:i like the old ones better but to each his own.
Now that I see them on the car, I liked the MR7's better. Maybe an 18inch MR7 would have done the trick for you. They look good, but I think the Chrome MR7's looked better on your car.
they look good are you gonna change your outers when you put on the shaved trunk?
I like them because they're NOT the motegi mr-7's....no offense to anyone that has those as well, but it seems like almost every car around here (indy) is rollin on the motegi's. That being said, you could pull off the old tails with the chrome, but i think some new tails, possibly black or carbon fiber, to tie in with the black on the wheels would look good.
Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:those are rims and tires, not shoes.
but what ever you want to call them, they look good.
This from the poser who calls his car a 4 door z24.
And I love the new SHOES!
Thank you everyone who gave me good compliments...
But for those who don't like, it doesn't bother me... I liked the MR7's myself, but it was time for a change and i came across some good deals with the rims/rubber. So i jumped on it!!
they look good are you gonna change your outers when you put on the shaved trunk?
I have plans on getting rid of them... Im gonna nightshade them to see what they will look like, but if that doesn't work for me im gonna go 95-99 tails.
BOOOOOOOOOO why would u wanna ruin the perfect clean look of that car with a pro-stock spoiler!?! damn it looks so AWESOME with nothing on the back!!!!
Yes i like the look of it with nothing on the back either, but i also like the look of the ProStock!! And i got a good deal on the prostock, so thats what i decided to go with for now... When its all done it should look pretty good!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
get some tire shine on those shoes
just think, noone at any local show will have those same wheels.. @!#$ noone at the bash will have those either.
i love them and miss them!
we need better shots to show off that 40mm offset!
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