this cav was at a local carshow we had here last month...
it won best of show.... crazy work done to it
that's the only pic I would find at the show website, ill see if I can find more later on...
think I can make out an import fighter front.
I'm a bitch. Look out. I'm here to start drama.
Please take everything I say seriously.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
major props on the work! looks like good quality body work, not my taste entirely, but i love the front and i like the QUALITY of the work, (although of all the headlight swaps, i honestly think those accord lights are the ugliest style lights honda has ever put on a car).. So over all, i feel the same way about this car as i did when you posted pics of your car... good quality work, but not my taste in the least bit
On the other have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn
I wish i could find better pics of it

ill ask my if any of my friends took any different pics, it also had some weird tail light conversion....
his wheels are by the wrong hubs.
IDK if I like that. Too much for me. But the work looks really good.
What's the point if you can't drive it???

Is there a freakin roof on that?
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
not by the looks of it unless it either a big piece of glass or plexiglass
Pilz-E wrote:his wheels are by the wrong hubs.
good catch..2 pts for you
no there not ... i see five lugs with the wheel/hub close up.. although it does seem like theres only 4 hubs
azncav wrote:no there not ... i see five lugs with the wheel/hub close up.. although it does seem like theres only 4 hubs
Pilz is right... the tires are directional. he wasn't referring to the lugs.
Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�
oh ok i didnt get what he said ... but hes wright then
the guys also cut the rear part of the door ...headligts are to big for a cav front end .. but its look like good work though
i demand more pics
_______________________________________________________ Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
i kinda like it
SIG coming to an org near you!!!
interesting...defidently need more pics
Very cool looking... Love the roof! I wanna see more pics! only 2 of them I can find.
wow, i love the airbrushing.
BUBSY wrote:this guys an idiot
why is that?
Even I don't think so.. I understand that some people buy a car and mod it to win trophies at shows. Even though I don't share that same taste, and I think the car is overdone and a lot of it is not my style, I at least appreciate that he probably goes home from any car show, big or small with some kind of trophy... its quality work, typical show-car mods(over the top, impractical for the street), btu in no way would I call him an idiot....
On the other have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn
BUBSY wrote:this guys an idiot
yea man whys he an idiot . ? alot of money and time was put into it .. and looks like he did a good job .. mabe not to some people taste ... but then again some like sweet and some like salty ...
arnt you the one who painted your tails ? how do you come off saying someones an idiot ..
but on the other hand i do like your car haha .. i had a 2003 cavalier exaclty the same as your but no stripes ...