can I play?!?
Go Premium, it builds character!
The SRT-4 needs a drop, severely! Other than that, I am diggin it.
the blue in those rims are DOPE. i bet he loves cleaning them lol.
hey arnt u in dixon or somewhere up there i'll hopefully be up there for a show on the 30th
what brand are the drilled and slotted ones?
to be honest, im not diggin any of them, cept the cav, and maybe the 71
oh my god its an ls1! thats like having a neon banner across your skittle
same feeling apply for the dodge
Looks Awsome !!!!!!

Love the Lambo doors!!!!! I need a set.
I'm also interested in what brand those drilled and slotted rotors are, since I have a set. Just wondering if I should expect mine to do the same.
Anyway, all those cars look really good. Your cav is the reason I want an 03-05
Thanks for all the comments. As for the SRT4, its getting a drop and bigger turbo, will be at hot import nights in chicago. he is getting the carbon fiber rear, front and sides as well. then paint to tie it all in.
As for the graphics they are hit and miss. i like them. it kind of goes back to the old hockey stripe, with a twist.
Dualie has the hockey stripe as well.
As for the rotors, they are Baer Decela Rotors, with MANY auto x runs on them and a lot of hard stopping. they lasted a while but couldnt hold up. some of the cracks went all the way through 1 fin. i was waiting for a chunk to break off.
Im looking to get a few more goodies before summer/auto x season starts.
wow the lambo's look great. Didn't even know you were getting them! Looks freaking hot!
eeeeek.... I have those same rotors. But i don't auto X or anything. So i hope i'll be safe. I just daily drive on them. Oh wait, i don't even get to do that anymore it seems...
Mine were subject to a lot of abuse... fast to 0 responding to emergencies for the Fire Department. and just plain old hard driving.
And yes i live in dixon, there is a HUGE show in amboy in august.
lookin good.
but the srt.........he spent all that $ on cf, and couldnt get a decent set of rims??

i think they're fugly!!
Well the rims are painted, not my style but its all good. Either way, a drop and the right sized tired would help him out a lot. They have a bit of wheel gap from the factory, and then he added smaller tires and it made it worse. Either way vince your car is looking good, and im loveing the 71 and the LS1. Nice work man.
Joey Baggs (Eazy716) wrote:lookin good.
but the srt.........he spent all that $ on cf, and couldnt get a decent set of rims??
i think they're fugly!!
Trust me they are in his garage. those are his"winter" rims since the car was parked all winter sitting on those. and it was like $125 for all 4 rims painted the 2 tone. he has a set of 18's to go on there.
haha i saw your dad post his new Z on wow its a small world Cav is looking good,
nice cars man i love the pic of the brakes hhahahah
that car needs to be bagged! Looks great
Nice cars, man...I know the guy with the SRT-4, well know of him that is.
Anyway, lookin good!
15.448 @ 89.7
i really love the cavy, IMO the carbon fiber fenders on the srt are gayyy, but like i said. sweet eco!!
Thanks all for the comments. I would love to bag the car but thats a lot of cash and a lot of headaches to deal with plus i auto x and bags and that dont flow together very well.
As for CF fenders, not a big fan but they still fit and especially when painted. then it turns into a heated debate on why put on carbon fiber fenders if your going to paint them but i still think it can be pulled off.
the srt is not really flowin that good for me, but i love your cav. The razzi kit looks awesome for the 03+'s