I started on my trunk setup yesterday. Slowly but surely i'll get it done.
I'm doing a false floor with a wall for the sub.
When all done it will house...
Sub - Alpine SWX-1242D
Sub Amp - Alpine MRD-M1005
Speaker Amp - Alpine MRV-F545
Started off today with a shopping trip to home depot and then picked up my friend Shane to help out.
I wish I would have thought to grap a pic of the wood in the car and Shane sitting in the front seat with his face about 8" from the dash.
I got..
3 pieces 3/4" 2'x4' MDF (for the sub box)
3 pieces 1/2" 2'x4' MDF (for the false floor and wall)
4 2"x4"x8' (for the floors frame - I think I over estimated how much I would need)
wood glue, saw blade, respirators, screws, etc.
For about the first half hour Shane and I just bounced ideas off each other and we finally came up with the following...
Not a huge start but so far so good because this piece doesn't move at all and it's just held in by itself.
This pic has my mock-up amps so you can see what I'm getting at (kinda)...
The amps will be mounted in the floor and a facia with flush mounted plexi will be over them. I don't have a router or the knowledge to not mess up so I went to a sign shop and they are flush mounting the plexi and cutting to size, etc. for $45 labor. I didn't think that was too bad.
And the brains of the bunch...
And me (well actually this was a pic from a while back when I was fiberglassing my glovebox)
More updates will come when I get them. Hopefully today (saturday) I will be able to get the amps mounted in place and who knows what else.
Questions, comments, criticism all accepted.
sweet, can't wait to see more progreess bro!!
get'r done!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
Nice. I also must add he was suppost to start at 10 am yesterday but procrastonated unitill about 5. to bad im not there to help man. maybe your system will look as nice as mine when you git'r'dun. hehe. And James. maybe we can do yours while your down here.
you look like some character from and 80s movie i jsut cant pinpoint which one
Wojo wrote:Nice. I also must add he was suppost to start at 10 am yesterday but procrastonated unitill about 5. to bad im not there to help man. maybe your system will look as nice as mine when you git'r'dun. hehe. And James. maybe we can do yours while your down here.
Ya ya ya... lol
wickedhawk89 wrote:you look like some character from and 80s movie i jsut cant pinpoint which one
lol, that'd be interesting to know who you were thinkin of.
I'll have a little update tonight after I get off of work.
Not a whole bunch but it's still progress.
Welp I crashed on the couch before I got a chance to get pics up.
Basically imagine 2 pieces of mdf glued together and cut to fit my two amps. This will sit on the floor of the trunk ad by some math...
2 times 1/2" mdf = 1"
Height of amps = 2.5"
Height of 2x4 = 3.5"
So the amps will sit directly flush with the 2x4 or when I get the plexiglass piece in there it will be 1/4 from the plexi.
Josh called me up yesterday and said I had a fatal flaw in my design... my spare tire. I already knew about the problem but wasn't too sure how to deal with it. I was debating just rockin it in the back seat.
We came up with a plan to cut the 2x4 that runs width-wise in my car and to make a cutout of sorts that goes about 6 inches back and then I should be able to get my tire out.
Unfortunately I probably won't have any progress on it for like 2 weeks. I have school and work today thru wednesday which goes from 7am to 11pm and then I leave for Washington DC on saturday and get back the next wednesday and then have work. I might have an update before I leave for DC but IDK.
Wojo wrote:Nice. I also must add he was suppost to start at 10 am yesterday but procrastonated unitill about 5. to bad im not there to help man. maybe your system will look as nice as mine when you git'r'dun. hehe. And James. maybe we can do yours while your down here.
Yeah hell that could be an interesting project, with all us MT j guys and Kardain helping out. I jsut realized this is not next weekend but the following, I guess i better set some cash aside, lol.
Ill shoot you afew PMs tonight sinc eim gonna try and get a ported box for my sub, I love my selaed SQ setup but wanna go ported wiht the 12 to see how it sounds, ears are begging for SPL, its been too long.... OH and i found a store here in town (Jo-ann Fabrics) that has huge rolls of vinyl/ fake leather ish stuff for a couple bucks a foot. In a bunch of colors..... So ill go decide what i'm using and take pics of the supply for you, and if you want me to bring some up from Missoula for you I will. Pms away shortly.
Hey man sounds good. i already got my fascias covered accept for the one for when the seat folds down.
More progress
I got the board made to mount my amps on...
They're not mounted because I just today found the screws. After looking for about an hour and at about 7 specialty shops we finnaly found them at Ace Hardware - they are Spanner screws also know as snake eyes...

(these damn screws are $1 a pop)
I also started on my box and am almost finished. It's made from 3/4 MDF with double that on the front. Outer demensions of 14x14x12.5 and total cubes of like .9 and with the displacement of the sub it equals about .8. I have the exact masurements but they're downstairs and i'm lazy, lol.
I took it to a sign shop today and had them cut out the hole for the sub and then make a lip so the sub (after the front 1/2" facia is added) is flush mounted up to the trim ring on the sub.
I did work some more on it too and it has been sanded down and has rounded edges and corners.
I also ordered these so they should be in in a couple of days (hopefully)...

They are flush mount binding posts so I can use banana plugs.
I also unfortunately got to spend $25 on fuses this weekend too. Pretty expensive for only 6 fuses imo.
We got a new girl at work so I won't be working 48 hours like last week so I should have some more time to work on it. I think these next few nights we are making puppy chow to sell for my trip to Chicage but depending on the weather, I plan on having the flooring frame and the box done by sunday.
C&C welcome.
Looking good my man. I gotta get my stereo back in my trunk now that the Air Ride is all installed.
I'm just waiting for the weather here to warm back up again.........
Michigan Weather SUCKS my arse...
Ya I hear ya on the weather.
Here isn't too bad though. It's sticking right around 40-45 but it snows/rains everyday and it's just cold enough that without having a garage, it isn't fun.
ITs Coming along good Seth! BTW Nice tlaking to you on the phone from Gf the ohter night, hahaha.
Got some more work done.
The frame is basically done.
I'm basically done with the box, just a couple more things to finish up. Those binding posts turned out to be a pain in the ass -- they were about 3/4" long and when trying to install them in 3/4" mdf, well, it doesn't work, lol. Some clever work with a drill bit and they fit well enough. I also decided to misplace the front of the box by about 1/8" and drill thru the side about 5 times so I think i'll be out to buy some body filler this next week, lol.
Pics of the frame...
With the amp "rack" basically in place (that middle 2x4 will be connected to the rack and then will come out with the rack when i need to get to the spare.
Without the amp rack.
As always, C&C welcome.
Nice design so far... let's see some more progress!
I'm assuming you will be taking that spare tire out.
You will join the club.. no spare tire riders... lol, you might be able to get away with it, I don't think those subs need that much mounting space. But imagine lifting that damn thing to get your spare tire.
ok so mental note if im gonna break into this car, bring spanner bit for drill XD
look sgood

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
Rusty (The Rusted One) wrote:Nice design so far... let's see some more progress!
Thanks. Depending on what the weather does (it's supposed to rain) I will be getting some filler and smoothing out the box and getting it all done this next week. I think I'm gonna paint it and if I dont like it then I'll carpet it. Also this next week I think I'm gonna try to get the pieces cut to make the actual floor and then get the amp cover made. We'll see how far I get.
thomas francisco wrote:I'm assuming you will be taking that spare tire out.
You will join the club.. no spare tire riders... lol, you might be able to get away with it, I don't think those subs need that much mounting space. But imagine lifting that damn thing to get your spare tire.
If it all works out I'll be able to pull the amp rack out and pull my spare out. But yes, having to lift the sub and box to get at the spare, less anytime else, is a pain.
Machzel08 (Teh Jew) wrote:ok so mental note if im gonna break into this car, bring spanner bit for drill XD
look sgood
Got some more progress.
I'm basically done with the box except for painting or carpeting. I'm gonna paint it first and see if I like it and if not then I'll carpet it.
I got all the screw holes filled and the edges filled and then where I was off by about 1/8" I kitty haired and then filler.
These pics may look a little funky but thats just because I tried a layer of primer, paint, clear on one side to see what it would look like.
Plus, I found a way to see if your box is sealed...
Stick it on your head, seal it to your shoulders and breathe in. If it sucks down, it should be sealed, lol.
Friday is my next day off so hopefully I can get the box painted and see if I like it or not.
glass the inside of the box and do resin 45s in the corners, you wont regret it Seth!
whats the reasoning to fiberglassing the inside of the box?
whats the reasoning to fiberglassing the inside of the box?
I really have no idea since its a sealed box, But if it was a ported box I beleive its for better flow through-out the box/ port less air resistance.
Scorpio1 (blu03lambocavi) wrote:glass the inside of the box and do resin 45s in the corners, you wont regret it Seth!
1. Why??, just for strength??
2. There are some problems if I did do that...
1. The front is on so getting the resin in and everything would be a bitch.
2. IDK if I would have the air space to do the 45s in the corners.
I think I'm still gonna try to find some sound deadening spray to shoot on the inside though.
heres an idea pour enough resin in the box to fill the corners. STand it on that corner. let gravity give you your rounded\ corners repeat as necessary. Less mess less stress. and awesome results.
lookin good seth. get it done and get it hooked up
BTW that box does NOT hide the ugliness. hehe.