Nice man! Can't wait to see it painted! Gonna look hot!
hey david where'd you take that pic at , in the first pic? just curious
Andrea, the first pic is taken at the old concrete mill right before Erlanger Cinemas. Its like one of my favorite places to take pictures.
put some old school caps on it just for fun
looks good. im gonna have to change my hood up since it seems like everyone is doing the hood mods
nah. I do need to get on it though. Were many many many miles from each other so I don't think they'll ever be seen together. lol.
Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:Andrea, the first pic is taken at the old concrete mill right before Erlanger Cinemas. Its like one of my favorite places to take pictures.
ahh ok, i knew it looked familiar but couldn't put a location to it lol
However I need some advice on it. Check your PM's