and this is how it sits, well no not now but this is all you get to see
i don't get this another teaser pic? if so, its gonna look amazing. you always come up with crazy sh*t. I wanna see how that rx7 bumper looks on there.
dude, i dont care about the exterior of your car, the interior is awesome as hell. lol. j/k about the exterior. whatcha got planned?
lmao ^^^ I knew that was coming,
04 how do you know what the interior looks like? you dont honestly think that the interior will be the same as before I've got 13 new fiberglass additions tot he interior/trunk way more then last year.
also not really a teaser, I just hate to see my car like that oh well gotta get worse to get better. also the rx-7 bumper isnt going on isnt going to flow with what I have in mind so its up for sale.
meh...i never really liked your car anyways justin
I know more then theyyyyyyyy
just clearcoat that! start a new trend
how much lighter is ur dad's wallet after this?
my dads wallet not any lighter how much more room do you have for your head in your ass after you dad @!#$ you last night
ive been sitting on my last post for a few days here thinking about where i want to use it....
IM GETTING VERY EXCITED!!!!! this paint will be soo freaking sweet.... yall arent even ready!!!
lookin awesome man, cant wait to get some color on there!
BuMmRz wrote:my dads wallet not any lighter how much more room do you have for your head in your ass after you dad @!#$ you last night
^^^Well said; I couldn't have said it ANY better.
Lookin forward to seeing the new exterior this year Justin, should be awesome if it's an improvement on last year!
1996 Chevrolet Cavalier SOLD | 2002 BMW 330i SOLD | 2004 BMW 645i
should i be thinking thats a good comeback? thats something i heard in grade school....
whats next.. your mom jokes?
Relax, Dougall doesn't like anyone whose family does well for themselves, even tho I've heard him talk about his family and about home much their house is worth or something. He called me spoiled too, you learn to ignore him.
Anyhow JD, the cars looking ummmm, good lol, but I know what you got instore for it sooo its all good. Can't wait to see it roll out, and you better get er done on time.
nice the background
Cant wait to see it done Justin, especially those new WHEELS! its gonna be crazy!
Well after about 3.8 months in the shop it still isnt done, the shop it is currently at cant get around to it and cant gaurantee it to be done. So at this point there may not be an 07 project or maybe done mide june if I do go ahead.