November 21, 2001
The Cavy at Vic Canever Chevrolet waiting to go home with me. ;D
November 22, 2001
Took the car to see me dad and show it off.
December 29th, 2001
MY FIRST MOD. :o Got my Windows Tinted for Xmas from my Mom and Step dad.
February 7th, 2002
Had to get some bigger wheels! 18 Chrome MR7's was the wheel of choice back then. A very HOTT wheel if you ask me.
At Belle Tire in Fenton.

At the Car Wash later that day.
And one more pic a week or so later at the car wash again.
Just found a BOX of old pics, thought I would share them. Being that I never had a Scanner back then these pics have never been seen by anyone but me. It felt so good to have a Brand New Car.
Awsome Pics man... Im gonna have to dig up some of my old ones!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
nice. thats 3 blue sedans with piks from "in the day" lol. your car looks MUCh better now. keep it up.
Funny^^^ I didn't even check the forum before I posted this, I found the pics and posted them on my club forum then copied and pasted them in here.
sweet man. I've always loved your ride James.