Not a good sign...... not a single pic with the doors closed
tires look sweet, they definetly look nice and meaty, car looks good but for the love of god don't become one of those people that pops the door every time they take any pics
Sexy Rubber!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
I love that sunroof, what brand is it? Car looks great.
Best quarter mile to date - 15.750 @ 85.82
"We ride together, we die together. Bad Boys for life"

Nimbus 9, some friends of my that rock! Click and experience them for yourself
Wicked1 wrote:I love that sunroof, what brand is it? Car looks great.
Webasto is the brand of sunroof.
And yeah im still excited about the lambos. ill get some with them closed.
Looks great!
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
sexy bro.... handles and mirrors time!!!!

How much did the sunroof cost?
Nice skins. I've always liked the tread pattern on those for some reason?

You should at least taken one pic of the rear. I got a side view of it and thought it looked amazing. Good job
Would you mind taking some pics of your interior? especially, where and how the satellite radio receiver is mounted, that would be great if you would. thanks.
Looks you ever scrape the bottom of your side skirts, toward the rear wheels?...Mine scraped all the time when it was dropped with the same body kit installed....But none the less, keep up the good...I always enjoy seeing pics of your car
Ill get more pictures when its clean and not raining again. Ill get some more of the rear.
Yes i will get pics of how it is mounted but its not hard. i took the window mount and stuck it in the cupholder but temporarily have my heavy ass old shift knob sitting on the base holding it down. its perfect when the car is in 5th gear easy to reach.
As for scraping, like crazy. The nose isnt too bad i can take angles really wide and i can usually keep the car from scraping. the sides scrape more than anything. the rear clears really well since its higher.
handles and mirrors are on the list to do. but when the one shop that does awesome work wants $240 for both. i mean come on. but it is on the list.
Ill have to check on the price of the sunroof. it was installed at the dealer as part of the appearance package.
Thanks for the comments so far.
I absolutely love your car vince, not too sure about the lambo doors though but other then that its mint!
looks great! sunroof looks awesome. Can you mount your front plate any different? im so glad i dont have to have one.
but the car looks hot, lovin the new rubber!
Saweet looks awesome man. what if u want the sunroof open when u shut the car off however ?
As for the front plate, it has to stay, its covering a hole that a large rock put through the mesh. And someone also told me, would irather have a cop see my front plate coming at him and or have him turn around and be like damn, hes a fireman.
As for the sunroof. if i want it to stay open while the key is off, i can press the button once and it stays open.
and yes as i stated, aftermarket.
zero wrote:That's Quacktastic!!!
"Stop looking at me swan!"