all im gonna say is...... god damn my body guy is good
went from this:
to this.... pics are @!#$ty cause its freaking snowing outside and its just a really bad day and have been in stratford at Rich's all week so no time to wash it!
now i just gotta get my front coilover fixed up and she can be slammed again

w type skirts and rear with ls sport front lip FTMFW!!!! looks good man keep it up
much better looks mint again! and u guys are getting snow too?? @!#$ man canada sucks balls sometimes, is it really @!#$ cold and windy there too???
its supposed to snow for the next couple days.. nothing major, probably not even enough to dust the roads... but it still sucks cause im doing grounds keeping/landscaping right now and cant make money when the ground is still frozen!

looks great now dont smash it up again!
Looks hot once again now.. and love the new rims!
Now slam it!
Looks like poo!!
Im taking it back .....Looks 100 times better buddy
awesome man! clean it up and slam it. i want some good shots!!

Member of J-body of Michigan.
they are 17's.... look small cause the lip on them is like 2" deep hehe

lol I just got back from the jacked forums and saw your car. Now this post. Glad to see it back together.