@!#$in right on. what a deal. nice pick-up.
Application for what
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, April 04, 2007 5:59 PM
Gotta talk to Speedracer about that one
John Higgins wrote:We need to spread TG to florida.
hmmm.... that would be a fun road trip
i have one some what like it in my garge works great you guys got a good deal on it.
Very nice
hmm nice. Looks like just the thing you guys will need for me to put my transmission together when I get on my feet again...
team green is over rated! lol
WI-Jtuners member
Qwik2k2z24 wrote:where is the application to join??
seriously. you guys seem to have all the cool toys
SWEET its in my garage, and I havnt even seen it yet........ how weird is that?
Next on the list...... BENCH GRINDER........ so we dont need to go and steal Sean's every time we need one
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
Wrench Monkey wrote:02 redbadged wrote:team green is over rated! lol
Dont be jealous. 
nah. u guys are cool! i guess...............
WI-Jtuners member
*boxes up control arm bushings to get shipped to Wisc to get pressed in*
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
Sweet my dad has an old one of those things at the farm. It works better than the old fashioned way of beating things into place lol.
Sold 2/2/05
those things are sooooo sweet! nice pick up! An idea for that bench grinder is take an old cooler motor and fab up a spool for the grinding wheel. It works great! And costs next to nothing.
Nice press!! I have the same press where I work at and it has come in handy
99 Z24
wheres my boost??
Wrench Monkey wrote:Well ill start the story off with i got a FREE 100 giftcard to Northern Tool.... So what did i decide to do get a 12 ton press from them... and even better it was 100 bux for it 

I got an A frame press not to long bought it to press out my control arm bushing (have yet to do that though lol
Z24 Cardomain Site ll
ZQ8 Car Domain Site
My original intentions were to use it for a trans rebuild but i decided when my trans goes to get a different one as the rebuild kit was 50-100 less then a whole trans
team green needs to expand to vegas!.....