I put my rims on and decided to detail the car.
I cleaned the calipers and drums
Washed, clay bared, waxed, and polished the entire car
It took me 6 hours and here are some pics
and i got bored last night so i tried to toon my car. What do you think?
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
With a drop, I may actually like those chrome wheels. They look very close to the 2k-2k2 Z24 wheels!
Future plans for it?
looks good man. those wheels would really be set off with a drop. they look like 2k-2k2 z wheels had sex with some cragars...NICE!!!!!
I want to drop it on Road Magnets and D-Specs and then get the Bear big brakes. I also want 03-05 LS Sides. I am trying to keep it simple and not over due it. but I am saving for college right now so none of that will happen for at least a year.
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
u should take ur side moldings off and get some tire shine on those tires
other then that great job looks like showroom condition
wow... i think they look VERY similar to the new G6 wheels... nice car man, i agree... drop and a few other lil things and its done.
Your summer mode is sitting in the garage....!!!!
Zspot Zedden wrote:BRO...!!!!!!
Your summer mode is sitting in the garage....!!!!
haha I was driving that today!
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
dude is that a automatic?
all that time detailing and no love for the tires
nice cav...however i want to see some pics of the vette in the garage!
red98 wrote:nice cav...however i want to see some pics of the vette in the garage! 
My thoughts exactly

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
Bling Bling baby!! You made that green shine like a new grill!!
With a drop and tint, it will look real good.
They are both 5 speeds! I didn't shine the tires because it is supposed to rain all week. I will try and get some pics of the vette up. Thanks for the comments keep them coming.
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
Here are the only pics of the vette I can find.
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
wow car looks amazingly shiny!! nice job.
and your toon is a good start, im assuming u used ms paint? deffinatly try photo shop, youd have a lot of fun with that...
and your stingray.... *droools* that is my dream car right there - black stinger with t-tops.... i love it! gorgeous!
what year Vette?My dad used to have a '71,only paid $5000 brand new in '71,but the cav is nice,put some tire shine,do the moldings and tint.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Its an 81 vette with a 383 crate motor keisler 5 speed and a 355 rear end. It started out looking like this.
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
my buddy has a 383 crate in his 87 iroc, they are no joke.
nice start on the cav man, definitely lower it and tint it.