Dammit u suck, Im getting rid of my Gixxer so I can get an R1
yes she is freegin nice kinda scarry at first. the power takes you by surprize even though I can't take her above 7000 till she has at least 1000 miles on her so I am just cruising her. its still quite the ride. any questions and comments are welcome and new pics will be put up when I bring her home she is siting in my mother in laws garage

since it snowed here and I didn't want to ride 450 miles in one day in to a snow storm on a bike.
hope you're not a first time rider haha. Awesome bike though...but tell me...why exactly do you NEED 1000cc? maybe im just a puss lol
to tell you the truth the I needed the 1000cc for the same reason you got a super charger.....to have fun with it.....
Go big or go home. I had a 98 R1. Those bikes rock. Nice pickup. Smoke the windshiled, and get the titanium exhaust that exits under the seat. Oh, and polish the rims and frame. You've got a lot of work ahead of you, now get busy.
Gotta keep on livin', L-I-V-I-N
Modding your bike is just as addictive as your modding your car. I would highly reccomend some frame sliders. It is almost garanteed that it will fall over at some point in time. When it does happen they will be worth every penny. Also no matter how tempting it is to ride a wheelie or do a stoppie or go double the posted speed limit, it is just not worth it. Ride safe, keep it looking good and pick up some girls and it will be the best money you ever spent.

i wanted an r1 one time....but then i knew how stupid i was and decided...ehh i dont wanna die yet..LOL but nice pick up dude.
Everybody I know at work that rides a bike, has both a scar and a story to tell...
I know they are fun, but I agree with what Wade said... even more so on a 1000cc bike.
Wade Jarvis wrote:Also no matter how tempting it is to ride a wheelie or do a stoppie or go double the posted speed limit, it is just not worth it. Ride safe, keep it looking good and pick up some girls and it will be the best money you ever spent.
Brett Basham wrote:i wanted an r1 one time....but then i knew how stupid i was and decided...ehh i dont wanna die yet..LOL but nice pick up dude.
One of my buddies had an r1 for a couple of years, the thing looks amazing just sitting there. I've been thinking about getting a bike for the longest time, but its thoughts like the ones above that stopped me from getting one. I do enough dumb stuff in a car, i'll leave the bikes for someone with a little more self control. Nice color choice by the way. have fun with it and ride safe
be careful bro, ive seen far too many good people change their lives because of a bike accident, so yeah, just be careful
if you want the ultimate 1000cc bike, then you should have went with the new GSX-R1000, its faster than the busa and only .01 seconds behind the zx-14 in the 1/4 mile. the new GSX-R1000 is an amazing bike. i was thinkin about getting a bike this summer. gas mileage is also a bonus with a bike
Did you ever ride a bike before man? A 1000 is crazy for a first bike. I just got a 750 gsxr and its my first but im taking it very slow.
even a 750 might even be pushing too big for a first timer. 600cc is a great size for a first timer plus they can still be fast as hell. y start out with a r1 anyways. your gonna lay it down and then wish you would have started on a crapier bike than that. i can garauntee you will lay it out at least once, especially an R1 for a beginner
nice man but i hope that isnt your first bike. Please be careful we just lost a local rider we dont need to lose more.
I have been riding for a while and i dont see the point in a 1000 but i guess every one is diff. I've got over 14000mi on my 03 gsxr 600 and im still so happy with it. I think my next bike will be a gsxr 750 with all the goodies
nice bike i bought a honda cbr 600 double r last month and its hard to get in the cav on rainy days now... these bikes make a 13 second car feel slow be careful ive already cracked the frame laying down a 12 o clock at 135
mmm sexy...all i need is the 6 but someday ill buy an r1
"Another one bites the dust"
be careful. i understand the appeal of the liter bike, but seriously, be careful. there was a story not even a month ago, new rider, brand new gsxr 1000, 50 feet out the dealer door and into a brick wall. so be @!#$ careful. no insurance aand a totally broken, not just cracked but the entire weld broke, frame. it would be a shame to see that red beauty go down cuz of in experience. take a riding course and LEARN. do not try to "keep up" that just gets you dead, literally. all i can say is read and learn and take your time, don't be @!#$in around tryin wheelies and @!#$, learn the bike first. and i'm sorry to say but your prob gonna drop it, its just a fact of life
yeah my brother in law said he had been on a bike before and he laid her down...I am pissed off at himn after all he said he knew how to be on it and he told me to wait since I already had her sliders in the car...he owes me a refinishing of her exterior.