nice! but should that line be sitting on the turbo like that? Could cause a fire
thats the heater hose....I thought the same thing but then I saw everyone elses setup and they left it there.
The fuel lines are not as close to the turbo as it looks.
ok cool i just didnt want to see another nice cav end up burned to the ground.
damnit man....impressive!! Looks sick man...can't wait to see more pics /
Was it hard to install it all?
Pmpedcavi04 wrote:Was it hard to install it all?
The only hard part was trying to find the 3/8 NPT tap for the oil pan...I looked all day Saturday and half the day Sunday with no luck.
I could have waited till Monday and go to a specialty tool store and got one but I wanted it done so found a replacement
That is a good looking car you got there. It lloks even better now that it is boosted.

does anybody know if HAHN sells just the intake tube with the filter on it?
AWESOME !!!! I'm pumped now!!!! I should have my HRC Stage II by Thursday.
How long did it take you to install everything?
How does it run on the stock PCM?
Looks awsome!!
Keep an eye on your A/F raitos, considering you have an 04 cavy. The ECU likes to fight to keep a 14.7 A/F ratio...

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
z yaaaa - Call Hahn and ask for Brad...I'm sure he can get you whatever you need.
slvr05cav - about 5 hours tops....the instructions suck but its pretty straight forward. It runs great! I had to adjust the fuel just
a little bit.
very nice!!

Member of J-body of Michigan.
What is your fuel pressure at?
Did you put the front bumper on yet? Can you take some pics of how they route the charge pipes... I'm just curious.

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Dave Dunsmoor wrote:Did you put the front bumper on yet? Can you take some pics of how they route the charge pipes... I'm just curious.
bumpers already on....maybe I can get some pics of the piping this weekend.
Car looks good man, you should put those LS wheels back on there cuz your car in your sig looks sexy.
USJDM.....GOT YA B!TCH! wrote:Car looks good man, you should put those LS wheels back on there cuz your car in your sig looks sexy.
i need tires now after my first week of boost. I spin all the way through 3rd gear.
What kind of exhaust setup r u running
real sick man, deff wanting to get that kit myself, be sure to post up some numbers