The engine's in, the front suspension is on, so are the wheels, and it's ready for wiring. Maybe next week...
I remember something about having the control arms parallel to the ground was a good thing... having them nice and shiny with poly bushings is a bonus I guess
I'm just finishing up the subframe extension tonight... then the front engine mount will be next.
Nice. c'mon and get some more piks. teasing was a bad idea
Do I see a big ol 3800sc??
hmmm.... im no expert, but you alt is in the wrong spot, the supercharger definately looks misplaced as well... theres a bunch of stuff in the wrong place lenko!! you better double check all that before going any further!! you could REALLY mess something up!!
...unless thats a 3.8L........... then you should be alright. more than alright!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
lookin good man!! dont short change us on the progress pics!!
i always loved (ALL) your cavies ... keep the progress comming
may want to put some axles or even just the axle end in the hub. fwd wheel hubs can easily be damaged if they dont have the axle tightened up when they have weight on em.
looking good though
are you going a 03 swap ? also ? or keeping the TRD front > ?
decided against the turbo 2.0L??? I forget what swap you was attempting...but I know it wasn't a 3.8SC lol. I remember you already swapped it to a manual, and the next day drove it across country hopin to god you did a good job lol
YOur crazy Lenko....... thats why we love your streakin azz though.
Its coming along, now go work on it more.
Sweet man,,, only a couple more months til the bash.. I better see it there
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
that car is the hotness..
geez you are a tease...

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Hope to see it finished and in OH in July John
A new breed of J will be unleashed in 07
Creating the E-RACER one mod at a time
Member of J-Factor
Member of Wisc's J's
1/4 mile 16.084 @ 84.90 (Stock Z) 01 SPDY Z24
Hey Lenko man I got your 2K yota tails from Steve and they came in the box you sent them to him in so if they ever leave my car that box is saved and ready to ship again.... love 'em man I painted them black and man it sure looks better than red!!!! cars lookin good with that (big block) sittin in there
Had no idea WTF you've been up to.
Big surprise.
Awesome surprise

n-body aluminum lower control arms FTW!
nice engine to lenko
that motor looks like it likes it in there....thats a good fit, but wirings not done yet so maybe that why. Finish it, i wanna see this thing go!!
while u have the hood off you can give it to me
awesome work man!! staying 5spd?

Member of J-body of Michigan.
wish I lived closer, would love to put some wrench time in on that thing!!!
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap