JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe) - Photos & Media Forum

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JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 8:21 PM
So this is the first official JBNW meet of the year. Rob (Kardain) drove all the way down from Washington with the Cav and James (scorpio1) drove down from Missoula. We started off our saturday........... well LATE!!! we never started saturday. we finished it. lol. Rob and James showed up about 4 hours late and we didnt start our shindig till 930 PM. After they got here we cruised around and just found things to do. we then proceeded to go eat dinner and take some late piks. me James and Robie are the only ones man enough to brave the 40 degree weather for piks. so were the only ones in the first set of nite piks. The group is as follows James (Blue LS Sport) Robie (orange Cavy) Me (Blue Sedan) Philip (white base coupe) and Drdahdr Dustin (lol Nickname VIA James. driving the Silver Sedan. Saturday we also started our day a little late but ill let the piks do the talking.

The first nite when James and robie got here.

The next morning me, Dustin, and Philip started our day off early at 11 am. I managed to get my new pads and rotors on (THANKS A TON ROB THERE AMAZING) (yes i know in the pik the rotor is on the wrong side. i got them switched around after i realized my mistake) . after all that james and robie showed up about 1 and helped me do a few things to the cav and then we proceeded to Home depote to get things for James car. after all that we went out for some afternoon piks along the river.

Then we have the Crew all sitting there. im not sure what happend in this photo. but i believe there were to lesbians doing it in an SUV just down the road. lmao

That nite we got back and did James stereo setup and something else that im not sure was a good idea or a bad. lol. James found alot of errors caused by his father. We ended up trading spoilers and i think it may have turned out for the best. at least for me it did. James and Robie. PLEASE post piks and vids from the weekend when you can. again thanks for the great time.

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 8:32 PM
Lookin good.
The river pics turned out pretty good.

Sorry I couldn't make it.
We need to have another one before we leave for wyotech like in Missoula or something and we can grab all the Washington and Montana peeps. Or in Spokane cause I get free hotel rooms there.


Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:23 PM
I vote for spokane. My home town

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 11:19 PM
If its in Spokane, I'm gonna have to bring the Fire. I got a little present from Washington State Patrol on the way home, so it'll be a while before I bring the Cav east of the Cascades... damn profiling... anyhow, here's my batch (56k = OK):


Still working on the vid.

thanks for showin some Montana hospitality It was good to take a vacation for a bit.

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 12:58 AM
I had tons of fun at the meet guys, we definetetely gotts od it again befor eyou guys head off to wyotech. If we do it in Missoula Id be glad to host the event, just let me know a date yall can get free and ill set it up.

The spoiler swap- YeahIm still notnsur eif it was the best idea either. The damage caused by my father overtightening the spoiler onto the trunk lid was ugly but repairable (will post pics soon). Moral of the story dont leave an old skool heavy equipment mechanic alone with your car for too long. LOL But i gotta get some paint work done anyways so its on the to be painted list.

I do think both the spoilers look good swapped, i kind of think right now I got hosed a lil bit but well see once the spoiler and trunk lid are painted..... anyways........


Rob- those pics are great, ill be stealing them for my personal collection.

Josh- Yournight pics came out better than I thought, and i will be stealing them also. HEHEHE

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1:14 AM
lookin' good guys!

Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:39 PM
i wouldnt mind doing something in spokane if i had the money. but i cant afford it

Rob- No problem on the Hospitality dude. and get them vids up man. lol. im itching for them

James- Steal away. and Dustin is gettin the full treatment with his new nickname. lol. he even changed it on here.. and also. i think ill give you a call today or tomorrow buddy.

FReQ Z- thanks

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:34 PM
look warm!!...we got 3 inches of snow here today IN APRIL...WTF?

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:45 PM
so did we hehehe but it melted. i hope it dont come back

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Thursday, April 12, 2007 1:25 AM
Yeah it was raining and snowing all the way home from GF until we got to Missoula then it was overcast and cold. Its decent out right now but they are calling for more snow at night and cold weather all week. It sucks.

But on the bright side we sure picked a beautiful weekend to meet up, lol.

Jsoh- Call away bro if you dont get me im sleeping or working, so leave me a message and ill holler back.

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:27 AM
Yeah, I can't wait for it to get nice here so we can have meets again!

AIR RIDE MAFIA (~airbagsource.com~)

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:01 PM
My pics from the J-BODY Meet

How do u like our A$$3s

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:42 PM
^^can't log into your e-mail there buddy

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:27 AM
Kardain wrote:^^can't log into your e-mail there buddy

Dustin, host them on www.photobucket.com or something, go do it now, DER DER DER!!

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:29 AM
hehehe. what a der da der. lmao. he sucks. ill set him on the right path you guys. lol

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:01 PM
pics of said SUV with lesbians.........

Member of J-body of Michigan.
Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:11 PM
they wernt ANYTHING special to look at. c'mon. it IS montana u know lol.

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Thursday, April 19, 2007 1:36 AM
Wojo wrote:they wernt ANYTHING special to look at. c'mon. it IS montana u know lol.

Yeha at first we thought it was a guy and a girl, then after some scrutinization on my part, I drove right up nex to the jeep and was like, "wow 2 ugly lesbians."

THey beat feet imediately after I parked nex to them, lol.

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 7:06 PM
Im getting my windows tinted so i wiil be posting new pics after this weekend

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 8:10 PM
or we can make a new post

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:00 PM
And I know that you had more than 5 pics I have vid of you laying in the road taking pics (which I'm still working on... have to finish the last bits of editing and I'll upload )

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:47 AM
Kardain wrote:And I know that you had more than 5 pics I have vid of you laying in the road taking pics (which I'm still working on... have to finish the last bits of editing and I'll upload )

Hurry it up already!!! LOL

BTW, anyone think of a good weeknd in MAy to ahve 1 more meet before the boys run off to Wyotech, its gotta be in Missoula though, my car is defineetely not long distance road ready right now.... *sigh*

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Thursday, April 26, 2007 6:23 AM
i was thinking maybe we can do it in June. my move date moved ahead 2 weeks. im moving the 27th now. i might be able to make a day trip on the 23rd or 24th with seth. (very doubtfull that seth will come) but my gf will. and hopefully Der da Der will come. anyways. im sure ill be able to make it. but not untill the 23 -26th. lol. short dates. but its all i can make. ill get back to you guys again hopefully soon. BTW i added bothe of you on MSN

Re: JBNW's First meet of the Year. (56K Maybe)
Friday, April 27, 2007 2:50 AM
Whatever date is good for you is good for us bro, this last meet is for you guys, before oyu leave, so if Seth wants to meet us he has to come, lol.

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