He's overly scaled, but it looks neat.
I'm a bitch. Look out. I'm here to start drama.
Please take everything I say seriously.
that's how the picture is
that will match the bright orange paint job?!?!
im assuming you changed it and got the cahrger installed?
thats alot of work for a jbody hood. wondering how it will look on the car
that makes two of us bonnet, the hood will be installed in a bout two weeks for my first show.
Alexis wrote:He's overly scaled, but it looks neat.
I agree man over done on the scales but great work none the less and if anything I would say add some shadowing to the scales to take the (to many) effect away from the scales and back to the dragon on top! too much black and white!!! throw some lights blues or even a light red something to make it POP
Wicked skills with the airbrush. I'm definitely a big fan of dragons, but I must admit I'm not thrilled with that particular picture. To each his own though -- you've definitely got a conversation piece.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
the scales just dont look right to me eaither but thats better then i could even dream of doing so great job!
thats awesome! great job with it!
How many real dragons have you people seen to compare his scale job to? LOL
bmxludwig wrote:How many real dragons have you people seen to compare his scale job to? LOL
How many dragons or reptiles, fictional or otherwise, have you seen depicted with square scales that make it look like it has a bad case of "plaid"?

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
thanks alot for all the comments good or bad, i will take pic of the hood on the car soon at my first show plus with the new 19 wheels i got.
not really my taste for a car. but your airbrush work is amazing man!
hmmmm....way better than i could do. just not working for me though. maybe it will look better on.
Wow looks sweet man, cant wait to see the hood on the car
looks good, maybe i bit of shading to get rid of some of the scales but overall it looks pretty cool