um.. wasnt sure if this fit in here but neways
umm we like projectors but if you want them go through IZN so you support the org, im sure he'll price match too
oops, didnt read the description, sounds like a worthless layer of plastic or vinyl that they are saying is protecting the plastic, might be cool in diff colors but you could easily do the same thing for less with spray
i think its a good idea if you have an expensive set of projector's and want to protect them on long trips.
I say go for it, look at it this way, you spend the 35 here and put them on, if you dont like them you can take them off. BUT if you spray your headlights then your SOL and have to either take paint thinner to them or buy new ones to get it back to stock.
i just bought a set of RKSports clear headlight covers for my 00s.. only 30 bucks shipped brand new from RK. take em off whenever i want, and when u cant hardly even tell.
i dunno if they make 03 ones tho.
I like the look of the yellow. I have a little something similar planned for my headlights, but I won't be using a film.
This should be in the "exterior" forum