I've looked for the pics buut I couldn't find them, sooo I figured I'd ask. Here's the story.
I'm thinking about buying my friends old rims off his Jetta(He kept them on during the winter and lost a tire and a rim due to tire pressure) all I'd have to do is buy one new rim and some tires. I'm very familiar with the tire system given my job but I can't seem to find any pics of how the size looks on a 16 inch rim. So if anyone's got that, let me see, eh? And maybe if you post some pics, give me an opinion on how it rides too.
Here's my Sunfire GT with KUHMO ECSTA Supra 712 Tires P225/50/R16 92W
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:36 PM
AIR RIDE MAFIA (~airbagsource.com~)
Sweet, I don't suppose anyone has seen pics a little closer up, like wheel and wheel well spacing.