Im sure this is a repost and if your on the forums Im not trying to bash ya but where did the $10,000 go to cause there could be a lot more done than seen and where is the body kit?
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
Did you see the kid? He's a @!#$ retard.... nuff said...
people like that are what give Jbodie's the retarded or dumbass stereotypes we hear about
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Yea, where is the body kit???

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
I agree hes a dumb4zz look i have a TB spacer. I think the 10 grand includes the J itself i mean wow he has all of 168 hp now super fast don't you think.
QBE (The Boosted One) wrote:Did you see the kid? He's a @!#$ retard.... nuff said...
people like that are what give Jbodie's the retarded or dumbass stereotypes we hear about
I was thinking the same thing I was just trying to be nice

but I was thinking more of WTF. I just thought that some of ya would get a kick outa this.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41

My bad. And Phil (QBE) then there is the stereotype that you would fall in (thinking of a guy with a honda talking $#!T to ya as he is wathing you pull away from him) thinking I just got my @$$ kiked by a J. now that is what I like.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
gauges.........................custom gauges
LOL some measly bolt on's and he's street racing, wtf.
QBE (The Boosted One) wrote:Did you see the kid? He's a @!#$ retard.... nuff said...
people like that are what give Jbodie's the retarded or dumbass stereotypes we hear about
Ok so just by looking at him and the way he talks must mean he is a retard. Its you guys posting rude a$$ comments like this is what gives us guys and girls a bad name
So what, he says he has a body kit but its not on his car do you think maybe he just purchesed it or maybe he took it off for the winter that was in London Ontario in CANADA (were it was taped)were we do get snow
Go a head and say what you want about me but I think some of you are just rude.
letzrentacar (3 weeks ago)
well u guys say what u want i have alot of money in that car and yes the news over did the price i told him as for the body kit i have one it was getting paint at the time its a razzi airdam kit as for the engine all i have in there is a aem cold air intake dc sports header viberant cat back exhaust and a throttle body spacer dc sports strut bar thats it for the engine
Well he buy DC Sports stuff, no wonder why the price climb so fast... how much a razzy bodykit can cost????
I want to know how he spent $10,000 as well (if that doesnt unclude the cost of the car). I agree with the new laws though against street racing. Even though yes, i speed, I do so in a more controlled manner, sticking to one lane, slowing down well before I get into traffic, and usually going at most 15-20mph over the limit with traffic permitting. Too many idiot kids today are killing themselves, and others, because they want to prove they have the baddest car in their town. I know race tracks arent everywhere, and not everyone can get to the 1/4 mile track all the time, but better judgement from a lot of these people would/could save a lot of lives.
A guy got hit last night in Qu�bec city, by a dumbass that was trying to show off after a race.... he lost control of the car and he hitted a spectator... there's still salt/sand all over the roads and those dumbass are racing.... I have no pity for both driver and spectator...
dont you people get it?
this is why I own a J. the more of these people there are, and the more the cirulation of jbo sterotypes, the better we look when the race is over, and the other guy cant for the life of him figure out what just happened.
" butt but this doesnt make sense, that guy on the news, and all the other stuff I here. cavaliers arent fast what the hell just happened"
thank god for adam richerdson, or I would have to switch to kia's to get the same effect.

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
I took that in his profile
something wrong or is this what we call stretched tires
Yep...the answer is take it away.......That will stop all of the racing...What a F$%king joke.....
They seem to forget that....rebuilding or starting a new project is just as fun......
JAIL....HUGE FINES........JAIL.....JAIL.......
that will stop it........PERIOD........IDIOTS...
Qwik2k2z24 wrote:this made my day.
Glad I could help ya out Jay. also I just watched it again and at the end he said from the speeds of these cars and traction play alot in the deths of street racing.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
damnit.. and i drive a white four door cav.. I'm loving the original body kit he bought lol.. and i'm really feeling the hard hitting 2grand stereo system too.. now.. where is all the other money?
just riding around in the 4 door cav
chevycavy2k3 wrote:wow
I took that in his profile
something wrong or is this what we call stretched tires 
haha 16 inch tires on 18 inch wheels? what a tard
Dumbass wrote:ohh it can be dangerous, it...duh... the speeds these cars are going at now, uhhhh... and the traction...yeah its deadly
Tard cant remember what he put on his car, he cant add all the costs up, he cant even @!#$in talk right. Take his car away before he kills someone with it.
Yup, he is the reason there are gay laws concerning street racing, and gay cops with no mercy. Back in street racing's roots nobody cared too much, the cops would even sometimes stay and watch the race. People had certain attributes known as "common sense" and "responsibility" which made it possible for things to be much more laid back. Now a days, every person with a compact car and a tb spacer thinks they are the shizzle, so they go out with a totally unprepared car and kill somebody or themselves. Why didn't the news crew interview an actual car enthusiast, an actual tuner with more than half a brain? One with the knowledge and responsibility to back up the car? They did it to prove their exact point, that "Street racing is a bunch of moron kids with a death sentence." It is too bad that street racing has strayed so far from its roots....