LOL That looks really familiar
that simple setup works very well. Recommendation though... depending on the size of the square tubing, it may have a tendency to push into the seat fabric... so you may want to stick a small piece of cardboard between the window side of the tubing and the seat to prevent tearing of the seat fabric
Kardain wrote:LOL That looks really familiar 
that simple setup works very well. Recommendation though... depending on the size of the square tubing, it may have a tendency to push into the seat fabric... so you may want to stick a small piece of cardboard between the window side of the tubing and the seat to prevent tearing of the seat fabric
cool man i will keep that in mind dont wanna mess up the seats
now time for some incar stuff..
here is a short video of the output of the camera... pretty good dont jump like i figured it would...
clicky here
Looks good, now I need to get off my a$$ and make one, although I think it should be up higher so it could give more of a Drivers POV, but that's just me
Both those are nice. Just made one for my buddies 07 Si. And one of my friends bought one for hi A4..but damn that was expensive..
Rosario wrote:Both those are nice. Just made one for my buddies 07 Si. And one of my friends bought one for hi A4..but damn that was expensive..
thats why i went this route... i paid at most like maybe 50 bucks total.. the most expensive thing was the ball mount...
here is a better video... i tilted the seat up a little more and you can see the road now. after i made this video i put another bolt in it to raise up the cam mount alittle more so i can make another if ya like... i am very impressed with this because it doesnt move what so ever...
clicky here
Pretty slick, I like it! It would be nice if you could move the camera up a little bit, seems to be showing too much of the dash, not enough of the road in front of you, which is what you want in the auto-x
Good job never the less.

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
yea i am working on that problem.. i have another bolt in it now thats 1/4 inch taller so i think it will help.. i am going to see if it does tomorrow....
it would help also if i had a actual video camera for that vid i posted i mounted my Canon powershot A540 and used the video portion on that cam so a acutal video camera like Full Cav Effect has would be better...
Jeez, got enough crap on your mirror?
Awesome setup, though! I was gonna make one similar to that for my Sunbird, but I dont do anything exciting in the vert, so no point now
hmmm.... makes me want either arbys or applebees..
everytime i go to mt.sterling i look for your car but still have yet to see it.
[quote=Dr�k�]hmmm.... makes me want either arbys or applebees..
everytime i go to mt.sterling i look for your car but still have yet to see it.
man i work all the time now... lol.. if i am not at work i am in irvine at my fieancee's house, if not there i am at home lol.. one day we should meet up.. i can pm you my tele number.
all i bought was a ball mount from a camera shop thats what the camera is mounted too on the end of the aluminum tube..
nice set up, and the video that the camera takes is not bad. a lot better than some that i have seen. in the second video did you have the seat tilted all the way to the front?
i just got to watch the video thats a nice mount!! good job
John, its like this without the camera.
$10 for the ball mount. I bought a mini-tripod and salvaged the mount off it
Pretty slick, I like it! It would be nice if you could move the camera up a little bit, seems to be showing too much of the dash, not enough of the road in front of you, which is what you want in the auto-x
Zoom function FTW
i didnt use zoom. and on the 2nd vid i just tilted the seat up a little more. i didn thave it all the way up... i also changed the bolt that i mounted the cam mount to by 1/4 inch so i need to see if its different now...
Looks good, I need to do something like this...