is that the original front end or did you do a swap to 02 front end? i didnt think the 03+ sunfires came with that front end, thats why i ask. just not a fan of that front end. other than that, car is hot. good work.
yeah i bought it as a rebuilt title and the body guy put that year front end on it because he liked it not in love with the front of it either but there isnt a lip kit for it and would rather not buy a body kit for iowa winters
put some evil eyes on the bish and call it a day
Lookin good buddy, I like the black with chrome wheels look

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
where are you at in iowa? im outside of sioux city... and yeah your right thats all iowa is... corn fields.
Check out my build thread!
b00sTeD4FuN wrote:put some evil eyes on the bish and call it a day 
^^^what he said. love the eyelids on the older fires!
Get rid of those eyelids and get some evil eyes for perfection.
sunfire + evil eyes - mr7's = the hottness
looks good, good rim color combo and everything, i like it a lot. only ting i dont like is the exhaust and how visible it is.
Vincent Morris wrote:looks good, good rim color combo and everything, i like it a lot. only ting i dont like is the exhaust and how visible it is.
about the exhaust...i agree totally..i am going to be getting magnaflow mufflers and keep the magnaflow tips i have on now. I am going to tell them to hide it more this time but there isnt alot of room to work with. The mufflers i have on now are 14" no brand turbo(regret trying them) and i am going to be switching to the magnaflow 11255. Do you got any suggestions on hiding them? I was thinking about painting the flat part you see black but wasnt sure how well it would turn out
Z22cavrs: Have you ever been around the fort dodge walmart before? I swear i saw a car exactly like yours one time parked away from everybody else?
z22cavrs wrote:JBOI FTW!!!!!
lmfao... YOU FTW!!!!!
nice ride man, id like to see it in person... i too live near sioux city.
JBOI here to. Nice car. Not a big fan of the mr7 rims but they look good in chrome with your black car. JBOI is having a meet on the 12th. You going to be there?

I think that car actually does those wheels justice, pretty nice car.
So has the 12th become a big meet now? I may have to try a little harder to go if there is a big turnout because JBOI FTW and all.

well guys i live near a town called stanhope. Its about 30 minutes north of ames..where is the meet at on the 12th?