Can someone make a sticky step-by-step about how to post pictures on the forum. I have never been able to, and i'm sure it would help out a lot of people.
its not that hard. see the smile in the post box? click the button to the left of it, put in the web address of your pic (from photobucket or the like) then click ok....done

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
What would also help is the fact that you need to host your photo. Try using

RIP Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Davis
well if you actually looked around or even went into the newbie forum you would of found
I am just going to not say anything at all. I think it is better that way.
yes newbie are retarded!!
;ol get ur html code up to par nwebiE or F off

F UCK what happened to the newbies section! god i swear people are just f ing dumb nowadays
Alright, my bad. I did search for it and found no results. And sorry, I expected it to be in the "Photos and Media section." Before you guys start slinging criticism around why don't you do your own damn searching. Sorry I forgot to check the newbie section, why. because I'm not a newbie. If you actually looked before opening your dumb a$$ mouths, you would have seen I have been in this forum for about two years. I have modded my car more then Dave (2 UNIQ), talk about the blind leading the blind. I swear more and more a$$holes are on this sight. Why can't you people ever correct someone in a nice way, instead of flaming them. And navycav3 as far as me being f ing dumb, sorry I'm not an expert at forums. I'm a Biomedical Engineering student, in my spare time, instead of surfing the Internet, and whacking off like you probably do, I am busy studying Bioengineering, or calculus 4. How's that for a flaming, I've been on this sight long enough to know how to do it. Dave Piasecki did an awesome job creating this forum, and people like you are ruining it.
sndsgood wrote:somebodies panties are in a bunch.
Seems like some of the forum regulars are in that category. I share some of David's sentiments on this one. If it is some great inconvenience taking the time to helpfully post a link to the appropriate FAQ page, then it's got to be inconvenient to spend an additional 5 minutes bitching about it. It's human to overlook a section of the forum, and it's also human to enjoy bitching about things. Try to keep it in balance, people.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, May 07, 2007 7:45 AM

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
David Arestie wrote:Alright, my bad. I did search for it and found no results. And sorry, I expected it to be in the "Photos and Media section." Before you guys start slinging criticism around why don't you do your own damn searching. Sorry I forgot to check the newbie section, why. because I'm not a newbie. If you actually looked before opening your dumb a$$ mouths, you would have seen I have been in this forum for about two years. I have modded my car more then Dave (2 UNIQ), talk about the blind leading the blind. I swear more and more a$$holes are on this sight. Why can't you people ever correct someone in a nice way, instead of flaming them. And navycav3 as far as me being f ing dumb, sorry I'm not an expert at forums. I'm a Biomedical Engineering student, in my spare time, instead of surfing the Internet, and whacking off like you probably do, I am busy studying Bioengineering, or calculus 4. How's that for a flaming, I've been on this sight long enough to know how to do it. Dave Piasecki did an awesome job creating this forum, and people like you are ruining it.
If you cant post pictures, your a newbie.... I dont care if you've been here 10 years. People that dont search, dont look in the most obvious places, and keep asking the same questions over and over... are the ones ruining this forum
Geeky wrote:sndsgood wrote:somebodies panties are in a bunch.
Seems like some of the forum regulars are in that category. I share some of David's sentiments on this one. If it is some great inconvenience taking the time to helpfully post a link to the appropriate FAQ page, then it's got to be inconvenient to spend an additional 5 minutes bitching about it. It's human to overlook a section of the forum, and it's also human to enjoy bitching about things. Try to keep it in balance, people. 
Yeah, I take back a lot about what I said yesterday, I was a little PO. I don't mean to call people out directly, (Dave (2 UNIQ)) and (navycav3). I have talked to a lot of members in this forum, and a lot of people are beginning to feel the same way. We all need to use our heads before making a post, me included.
it doesn't matter people, i don't see how you guys think things have changed!
when i was new to the site and i posted about retarded stuff i would get ripped a new one too, now if this was posted in the newbies section, then it would have been answered with a correct and helpful response
the only thing that i notice is that mods dont seem to be monitoring as closely as they used to, as threads that shouldn't continue seem to never end, and this one for example should have been moved to the newbies forum right away
David Arestie wrote:Alright, my bad.... I have modded my car more then Dave (2 UNIQ), talk about the blind leading the blind.
okay, first off... stickers and maybe an intake and a wheels doesnt mean anything..
however to be honest, i really should update my profile... but as u bio guys know research is key to knowing the answers to the questions u need answered.
so saying you been on here for 2 years i don't doubt it, but your first post was
yup in the cut. but its what ever..
just search my name and lets see how many pages u find??
good luck