mmm..... that last shot makes me even happier for my last purchase...
Veeeery nice.
Oh my god. That is the most beautiful j Ive ever seen. Clean as fu**, pretty much how mine will eventually be
Very nice...I'm digging the color of ur beer and rims, I think they go very well together
now that is a nice red cavy right there sweet ride man ..........
the car looks good, the pics are makin me dizzy thow
very nice..i love those rims on there. what kind/size are they?
My neck hurts... you need to calm down on the angles. They can make an amateur look good, but they mainly detract from the photo. Try next time for mostly level shots, just angle the pitch forward and backward to get the effect you want.
Nice car though

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Man, all the pictures are crooked...
Car looks great. Love the fenders...

thanks guys
i had taken alot more pics, alot of them straight on, but none really turned out good, most were really blurry so i posted the clearest ones
damn ididn't know those fenders flared out that much..looks tight
very clean, i like!
sick car man!! dont listewn to them angled pics FTW!!

Member of J-body of Michigan.