Everyone has been raving about the TTR mounts, so i said what the hell my 21st B-day is next monday so i thought i would treat myself early.... Since i haven't seen any pics of the 2200 mounts thrown up, here we go....
I was very impressed with the instructions provided for someone if they have never done this before to make life easy.
Pictures are very misleading on how big this sucker actually is, but yea, thats an 8 1/2 x 11" sheet of paper.. nuff said.
Please excuse the dirtyness of the engine bay, it has dust on it from being in storage since sept under her car cover..
Old school with incert...
Turbo Tech Racing mount all installed.....
As for my review, I have no idea yet honestly. I haven't started my car since sept and it needs an oil change since its been sitten for almost 9 mos. But since its raining and uggh, this body kit has made doing that a little more difficult. I'll get to that in the next couple days as i have a garage and house full of parts...
Teaser time.... Here are some of the things i have ready to go on this year.....It all
WILL be done by August 1st. Paint and the whole 9 yards. No more oreo....Possibly at the GM Tuner bash as well, but that will depend on the body shop. Note all parts i have are shown...
..forgot to snag pics when i got em from the dealership, but these...for something.
My college RA's loved me ordering all this @!#$ that came in heavy boxes.
" Ova night parts from.. Japan!"......Its niiiice.. HIGH FIVE!
I gave up with the carbon fiber fenders, it was going to make getting a paint scheme too hard so those will be coming off in the next week or soo...
C&C welcome...
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, May 16, 2007 11:46 AM
Looks nice man.. Thats the mount color I should of got, my TTR powdercoating is chipping off for whatever reason, looks a mess. But w/e. Looks like you got some nice stuff though.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
you call that a dirty engine bay?? i dont think mine gets that clean on a good day, lol. looking good buddy!! keep it up
nice parts u got there
Why dont u just keep the CF fenders and paint over them?
are you gonna sell the carbon fenders and if so then how much are you gonna ask???
Joe - I still can see dirt, thus its not clean enough for me. Lol.
Chris DeNisco wrote:Why dont u just keep the CF fenders and paint over them?
My 18x8" wheels stick out side the fenders a smidge and i cannot stand it, so in those boxes are Toyota cav fenders which hopefully will take care of that little issue.
C/F fenders are being let go for $150 for the pair, as of right now they are spoken for. If this is to change in the next few weeks they will be in the NE section.
Nice collection, can't wait to see it all installed!

Thats a nice stack of parts you got there now get it all installed
this my friend.....is a dirty engine bay, lol
Very nice cody, gonna look sweet man.
You know I love it...
So you may drive yourself to the bash?
very nice! its good to get some fresh air around here with different parts. even if its a OHV lmao
Rosario wrote:You know I love it...
So you may drive yourself to the bash?
I hope so. I would love to see his car!
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:not funny... i just can't find that funny... not with 2 copies of the Candyland board game on your shelf.
now that i don't have my sedan, can i have yours?
Joe- Ya got me beat there bro! Thats alot of dust, my basement looked like that over the winter when i was glassing my bezel. Lol...
Todd- Man, when i saw what happend to yours, i couldn't even imagine what you felt, I loved your sedan for its clean look. Now that yours is RIP, and Aaron sold his off... the sedan guys i once looked up and went, "damn that a gorgous car" are no longer around in the way they use to be....
Zyaaaa- Ya kinda lost me on that one. New parts are always niice, best to come will happen over this coming winter at the shop.
Rosario wrote:You know I love it...
So you may drive yourself to the bash?
Its highly doubtful... Which is why i'm not going to hold my breathe with the body shop, they say one time and you get it back 2 weeks later. So, no... we've still got a date in the jeep
Keep em coming guys...
I'm hoping for a nice day tomorrow to get some things done on this beast. Waiting for the brake parts from josh so i can do my rear disc conversion. Then gotta take her to the shop and fiddle with the exhaust and bring her back home and strip her down yet again like last spring.
may be dirtier, but its still not a 2200
How can you afford all that crap when you're in college?
nice collection, gonna look awsome all on there

Member of J-body of Michigan.
bradsk88 wrote:How can you afford all that crap when you're in college?
I took the fall semister off and was working 60-70 hrs a week. Then i haven't purchased anything since then till now, and i have no car payments on either of my cars... so it makes for buyin @!#$ quite easy.
....still crappy weather and i start my summer job tomorrow... hello 60+hr work weeks m-f.
where did you get those rotors? I looked on stillens website, and they arent listed?
so your doing a neon rear disk swap?
You suck Cody...

Well see you guys in a couple of days! Maybe we all can join in the build.

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