Nice I am not normally a fan of bronze rims but they lookvery good on your car.

gawd i love that car, wish i still had a white car cuz i wanted bronze rims!
freaking amazing, shave that spoiler and your DONE.
oh very nice. i was actually lookin at those rims. may have to chop them on my ride.
my carDomain updated 5/15/07 I've got premium. Yes I do. I've got premium. How 'bout you?
Always have loved it! One of my favorite Sunfires.
nice ride,might I suggest do something different with the chopped antennae?

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Always loved your fire.. just think it needs to be missing a wing
i dunno, I kinda like the wing on your car...looks hawt though! Will I see it in july at the bash?
i dont get it... why would you EVER put bronze wheels on a white car!?! its stupid and UGL.....
wait a sec....... DAM IT!
Yeah, for some reason Bronze looks good on white cars, but not many other colors.
Very clean ride. Is that a Black hood or CF?

Best sunfire ever.
Your car has always been one of my favorites, dont change a thing! (unless it's go)
I like the clean look, very nice. Maybe it's the beer talking, what say you about this quick shop
Thanks for the comments guys! Appreciate it.
Is this guy above me serious?!
Kevin it is a CF hood.
nice car. hey, how did your carbon fiber filler fit? i had a lil fitment issue. nothing major. its off right now cause car is under construction.
04ps wrote:nice car. hey, how did your carbon fiber filler fit? i had a lil fitment issue. nothing major. its off right now cause car is under construction.
Fit great no problems for me.