Well sunday my lid/wing finally got painted... And i put it on this after noon. It still needs to be wetsanded a little and polished up a little more, but i have to wait about maybe another week for sure because the paint/clear still seems a little soft.
Anyway here are a few pics...
And her is a shot of it on the car... pic kinda sucks cause and blurre cause it was soo dark out.
All comments welcome. And i will be sure to get some really good pics this weekened of the whole car.
Im still awaiting a few items!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
I am sure those last pics do not do it justice.

Qwik2k2z24 wrote:worst installed pics ever!!!!
but cant wait to see it in person...
Ya those are some pretty bad installed pics huh, LOL!!!
And it looks real good in person... Except for the flaws that i need to wetsand out and buff!!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
The spoiler and trunk were painted seperatley, right?
James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) wrote:The spoiler and trunk were painted seperatley, right?
Of course, why would i paint them together? LOL

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
rear looks 100x better. nice tails

Member of J-body of Michigan.
That came out very clean. Great taste on the finishing touch.
looks good now get pics of the whole car during the day!
Looks good man
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
looks good cant wait to see it in person
Thanks for the comments everyone... Ill be sure to get some pics of it on the car.
It looks Amazing!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
I never have really been a fan of shaving the inner tails. Unless you were to use the clear outter tails
that don't have matching inners produced for them. (my only personal reason for deleting the inners)
Don't get me wrong, though, it does look great. It's just not for me, that's all.
Your car has really came around in the past few months. Congrats!
(& by the way, you & I both know as well as everybody else on this forum.....a car is NEVER finished) lol

AIR RIDE MAFIA (~airbagsource.com~)
looks great. i love that combo. now get some toyo outters (00+) and then youll be finished!
(tabs) wrote:looks great. i love that combo. now get some toyo outters (00+) and then youll be finished!
Toyos would look hella sick on there huh!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!