Interesting.....very nice.
John Piparo: I have an erection!! You guys are turning me on!
I'm willing to bet thats my old front bumper!! Did you buy it off of a guy named Brendan?
good work thats gotta be fun with all that mudd you have the wrong vehicle over there you need a 4x4 lol
I'll have more to say when it's all one color.....(just kinda hard to look past the 3-tone right now)

AIR RIDE MAFIA ( Because STOCK is boring, that's why...
Well the bumper has been passed around abit (I think its a bit of a slut). I got it from a guy in New Market (Ontario, Canada) who got it off someone else, who got it from someone else again. So maybe.
The car is at my friends place (his got a nice shop to work in) and ya I think I am the only one without 4 wheel drive that goes in there
ya i would sure hate to get stuck in the mudd plus cleaning it would not be my idea of fun
That'll look hot! Kudos for being different!!
2002 Cavalier LS
looks amazing man, thats my old front bumper i started to try and make it fit a sunfire bumper but changed my cars front end. sold it to him.
and i have to say you did a great job man. keep it going
all show, stock go
in the making
very original. great work.

Member of J-body of Michigan.
Thats the second best bumper idea i've seen
and i love perpared for idea stealers
Cadwz24 wrote:Thats the second best bumper idea i've seen
and i love perpared for idea stealers
and by that do you mean "be prepared for a bunch of newbs saying that they are going to do it, and not"
or do you mean "be prepared for people who dont know how to do what you did to start destroying their stock and import fighter bumpers"
looks great by the way
hm interesting idea... i dont really like the IF bumper, but nice work none the less!
loving it man lokos pretty good get a solid color on there and repost another pic i would like to see it one color
Nice work, very original. At first glance I really like it - and the idea is superb.
But I think the emblem grille is throwing something off.

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J-Body of Michigan -
Raptor (TRB0SDN) wrote:But I think the emblem grille is throwing something off.
Good work, I will comment more later when its all done and painted.
Its so muddy there!
Thanks Anyone!!
The bowtie is getting smoothed out (with the next tube I buy). So I hope that changes your minds about it.
I did a few photoshops with the different ways the 03-05 bumpers are already done and I liked this one the best.
Oh and its not going to be painted for some time, well unless I find someone cheap to do it.
looks good, im iffy on it but the last pic it looks good. go to auto zone and buy like 2 cans of primer and primer the whole thing so atleast its one color. but funny too i had this kind of idea last thursday morning. was wondering what it would look like, i prolly never woulda tried to attempt but cool no doubt. thumbs up from me
what did u use to get those together
That looks amazing! Love it absolutely love it!
But i do think that it should be rounded a little bit on the "nose". Looks like its too sharp in the middle where the hole is.

Car Domain Site
my poor bumper.... what did they do to you?//?!!!??!!??
Can't wait to see it slammed!!!! Nice work!
looks good I'll reserve full judgement until paint though
When you ask the Z24 to take you somewhere fast,
it punches you in the face, throws you over its shoulder,
and runs, screaming, so quickly that its tires can barely keep up.
I always thought about doing that ever since I got my 03....looks pretty good...should look better when you get it painted though.

Nice work!