here is my car...my rear bumper was hard to put on because he is too large.
I back from the paint 2 day ago. i did not paint it all the car..(and i did not was it yet lol)
i would like your opinion and what i could do to make it more better!
here is the pic!
tell me what you think!
also if someone would toon the first pic, i would be appreciated
it was pretty hard to do.... being such a small and low resolution pic, but i did my best.
with the size it was near impossible to get a "tooned" look, so i just did some effects..
but i was suggest going to photobucket.com and hosting your pictures there... then we'll see about tooning the first one again.
Try www.imageshack.us to upload your pics!!! Or like GodSpeed said photobucket, but personnally I prefer imageshack. Never got a red X with it yet!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, June 02, 2007 7:33 PM
wait they said geocties is currently unavaible...just wait maybe will works tomorrow...if not i will repost photo with photobucket.
sorry guys....and @!#$ geocities lol