Just been workin on some small detail stuff for the car..... undercairage is getting done next!!!
First was the turn signal knobs i painted..... i figured it flows a lot better, also notice i got new seats (now they all are the same, they look great)

next i worked on the engine some and cleaned her up a bit
always finding ways to make it better. I think a turbo and intercooler would compliment it well in the future!!!!!

2009 Ford Mustang V6
man i just want some respect on the site, ive been on this site forever, i keep trying to make the car the best yanno. Or at least rank in the top 10!
did you seriously paint your strut mounts and bolts?
ya is their a problem with that? lol
BroughtDownKustomz (Blue Ace) wrote:man i just want some respect on the site, ive been on this site forever, i keep trying to make the car the best yanno. Or at least rank in the top 10!
you will probably never get the respect you are looking for on this site. The way you do things is usually quite different then the stuff on here. I think thats awesome, but some people approach that with a high school clique type attitude. I think for a show car you are doing the best that you can do. Different is good

. You are definitly making a unique car and I think its kickass.
Its not my taste at all.
That said, I think its some amazing work, and that to me is worth respecting, even if I dont like how the car looks...
Its very thorough work, and very clean and detailed... nothing beats doing the best you can... I applaud different things, and this is DIFFERENT from what Ive seen. Great work I say, and I wouldnt stop doing it for anyone.
I wouldnt put it on the top 10 for my list of "favorite looking cars", but then again if I had a list with "best work done" or something along those lines, youd be towards the top if not the top... Its easy to put on parts that are made to fit the car, but making everything yourself and doing things that arent premade like youve done, much better and more respectable.

*thumbs up*
it just looks tacky like that, like you just didnt feel like removing anything so you sprayed over it. thats my opinion though. overall the car is nice.
that steering wheel and a louisiana summer would not bode well!!
looks good
Looks good man, I love the custom work! I love the ideas you have an how you execute them. Don't worry about people here, a lot of them aren't building an all out show car like you.
I only have a couple things I see is the fiberglass are the cluster a wave? up by the windshield on the right side..other than that it looks killer man
i like the new touches it really looks good
I love it, I think its awesome custom work and you did a really nice job. Much respect.
Just fix the guages somehow....
blah its really not my taste.
nice man...I'm liking it even more now
keep it up.
What are you doing to the undercariage?
thanks for the comments!! im going to paint the undercairage really nice, and clean everything up!
absolutely amazing... the work looks flawless and everything flows very well. definitely one of my favorite cavs every. nice work!
Check out my build thread!
i hate the seats man, they are way to plain for that interior. wrap them in some leather and some neat colored inserts or something and they would be tight!
i actually agree with stripped.... (wow) you should have tapped the strut tops off, it does look tacky
other than that... it IS a very nice car man. i really like it... love the welded doors.
she needs, bigger rims, bags and some new seats!!!
i may paint the struts back to factory i never really thought of it to tell you the truth.
as far as rims i have 19"s now, im working on getting 20"s as we speak
as far as bags.... i want them badly, but i have a newborn at home, im jobless.... so i dont see bags coming soon
if you paint them back, it will make the bay look so much better.
looks great!

Getting "better built" for the '08...
Looking good! I say leave the wheels alone on there! they do look good! In my opinion, it pretty much needs to be bagged also the seats needs to be done. Thats all!
Keep up the good work!
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:if you paint them back, it will make the bay look so much better.
i agree with stripped. just seeing it green like that just makes it look more like you were to lazy to tape it off. now if you maybe made some smooth covers to go over top of it that matched the green then i think that would work, but as it is now it doesnt. your getting better though man it keeps getting cleaner and cleaner.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
thanks, im going to do all this today!! ha ha im serious. I really dont know what else to do. I was going to do a trunk display, but it is very very small, esp. w/ the tail light conversion
updates! i took your guys's advice......

im re-painting the strut bar... when i taped it all off it the tape peeled the clear!