She was out too early is all.
Slamm-'ed' car, neat-o
What rims are those?
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
[[[[Slamm-'ed' car, neat-o
What rims are those?]]]]]]
which one mine?
Thanks for coming out Steph, Mike and Kevin!!!
We will have about 600 pics on our site VERY SOON!
Thanks for such a good pic of my car Steph.

That just made my day.
The ones on the red slammed J.
What rims are they?
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
some nice cars out there. the red cavy with the trunk opening sideways, nice. Is there a kit to make the trunk do that or can you just use the stock parts to make it do that??????? i might do that.
I find it comedic that you never invited me Kevin but you called Chewy, ah well, I worked anyhow.
need more pics of trucks please
cars look good too!
Joe Schulte wrote:I find it comedic that you never invited me Kevin but you called Chewy, ah well, I worked anyhow.

First off, I hadn't decided to go until Friday Night.
I didn't call Chewy about it. He called me Friday night wanting me to come out to the Vicksburg Cruise night.
I told him that I would "more than likely" (which is not in concrete) be going to the DI Show Saturday morning,
so I needed to go to bed early. Another reason is because I thought I heard you say something about going
to JCO to somebody at the JBOM BBQ. So I figured that's where you went.
I didn't INVITE Chewy either, just merely mentioned what I said above. He said "Oh, I'd like to go, but I have
to work tomorrow." So that's all there was. But I told him I might or might not go.
I didn't want to call everybody & set this whole thing up (another caravan) if I wasn't DEAD SET on going.
It was just spur of the moment. So I'm sorry if I have hurt your feelings/& or you are upset.

AIR RIDE MAFIA ( Because STOCK is boring, that's why...
they r the enkei pkr 16" rims
does anyone know how to make the trunk open side ways like the red cavy??????????
nice pics kevin!!!!! for the truck its a custom bracket that was made up and just unhooked all the old hinges and stuff
Kevin Richter wrote:

<insert jaw-drop smiley here>
ORG member?

fortune cookie say:
better a delay than a disaster.
Yes, an .org member. However he is also on the 2007 JBS calendar along with my cav. He is a Member of Desired Image. The 3 Cavs up front on the grass his,mine and the red Cav with white wheels are in Desired Image. Our rides were on Display BUT NOT entered in the show.
Some damn fine rides! looking great!!
Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
Awesome that the J's were representin',Kevin your ride is the S*it!!!!
James, how many J's won trophies?

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
2nd pic, the blue cav - I'd love to know what wheels those are.
all those J's look Sikk Very clean!!!!!!
James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) wrote:Joe Schulte wrote:I find it comedic that you never invited me Kevin but you called Chewy, ah well, I worked anyhow.

You wrote this on Feb. 22, You were already invited. I actually wanted to see your new car and thought you were coming. 
Joe Schulte wrote:I shall be attending this year, so I hope.
Yeah I know, I thought you would be at the J-BOM BBQ too

. I would've loved to have shown up, but between grad parties, and other events this weekend, this summer isn't looking good at all unless planned way in advance. Unfortunately I had forgotten your show was in June.
Kevin Richter wrote:It was just spur of the moment. So I'm sorry if I have hurt your feelings/& or you are upset.
Nah, I don't mind, Chewy made it sound as if you had called intentionally to invite him, which made me wish we had setup a caravan and had planned in advance on attending...........just a show though, plenty more this summer.
As far as JCO goes, not enough money for a trip like that, not to mention I just got my car back once again Thursday.
Grumpy McGrumpster(BIGGSZ24) wrote:Awesome that the J's were representin',Kevin your ride is the S*it!!!!
James, how many J's won trophies?
Pat from Outta Control with the PMA Cavalier won 1st in Domestic Sport Compact Wild
Tommy from Cruzin Detroit with the Blue/Silver/Orange won 2nd in Domestic Sport Compact Wild
Kevin won 2nd place I believe in Domestic Sport Compact Mild
The Teal Cavalier from Cruzin Detroit won a trophy also, not sure what place.
I judged the Lowriders/Classics and Muscle Cars, not the Sport Compacts.
There was ALOT of competition in those classes, TONS of Sport Compacts!