wow. i love it. very nicely done.
That bitch is sexy man.. where is the hole?
Right there, is a sexy pic

Major props.
Put some IZNTRBL projectors in it and call that exterior a day. I saw it a couple weeks back the color is gorgeous. Looks great from what it started as.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
those are IZNTRBL headlights are they not?
regardless, nice work man, thats a beautiful car.
Nice ride!!!

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
very noyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyce!
stevefire wrote:those are IZNTRBL headlights are they not?
regardless, nice work man, thats a beautiful car.
Actually I made these myself. I used the projectors from a 350Z and the clear lenses that INZTRBL makes. Needless to say I have around $250 and 5+hrs of work into these, so they're staying.
that thing is clean and sexy, love it
LOOKS GREAT but post some bigger pics man!
Wow, that thing is dead sexy, one of my favorite Sunfires now for sure!
Joe Schulte wrote:Wow, that thing is dead sexy, one of my favorite Sunfires now for sure!

AIR RIDE MAFIA ( Because STOCK is boring, that's why...
The second pic is sex on wheels
Major props.
Makes me wish i would have painted my streetfire kit back in the day. Looks perfect man. Love the supercharger!!!
Very tastefully done. From the looks of it you do great work. On a side note, at first glance, did anyone else get reminded of Aasyranth's Sunfire?
Dude, that pic OWNS. I fawking love your car. Every bit of it... nice job!

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
that is how a fire should look. awesome choices on everything
Thanks for all of the compliments everyone. Once I get back home tomorrow I'll post up the before pictures of the car. At this point I have around 3K in the entire car (including the actual car) gotta love salvage titles.

When I purchased the car it already had the pro kit, supercharger, front and rear strut bars, and a rear sway bar. Keep the comments coming!
Looks great! nice brakes, good work!