Normally I'm not a big fan of kits but it looks good on your car. I've been waiting to see pics of it for a while now.
Looks Great.
nice car but it need a drop !
It does look great! but to point few things.. lowering it, put back the stock mirrors and tails.
Good pics!
nice lookin ride, where at in iowa are you from?
Humboldt, it's about 16 miles north of Fort Dodge
lookn good as always sean. we need to get together sometime, i had no idea you were that close to this side of iowa.
we really need to get a freakn meet together...
anyways, love the car, keep up the good work!
Yea Perry and I were just talking about that yesterday. With as much people around Iowa that are close together a meet is in store.
Hopefully air ride will go on this winter for next year. We'll see how finances go. . .
z22cavrs wrote:JBOI FTW!!!!!! this s.o.b. lives like 5 blocks from me, and its dakota city not humboldt. DC-J's FTW!!!!!!
Everytime I tell someone I live in DC They have no idea were the hell that is! But yea DC-J's FTW!!!!!
Love the car, Love the Kit and Hood. Two suggestions, Drop it of course. Then another tip would be to fix your dot matrix problem with your tint on your rear window.
Good work, Keep us updated.
The rear windows need to be replaced so I'm waiting to do that before it gets re tinted
Lookin good buddy.
looks awesome...add a drop and your done.
Sweet ride!
This pic looks like a toy car!! SWEET!
Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?