well after loosing 2nd gear, the car only being back from the body shop for 3 weeks, i knew it was to good to be true. came home from work one night, and i start to hear a rod tapping.... luckly shes still got the warrenty from gm. that covered the motor thank god, but gave me a free chance to jump into the trans since i work at the shop that the warrenty went through well here are some pictures
here is how she sat till tues morning when i could dig into it.
then i dropped the pan, never been in the bottom end before, on a 4 cylinder anyway, heres what i found
and if you look close you can see the number 4 rod bearing missing, this is what i found. all of the other bearings looked fine, so we dont have an idea of what happened....
so we made the call, and gm covered the motor. and then she sat in the back corner of the shop for the next week waiting for the new motor, and when she finally got here, go figure the @!#$ oil cap was busted off the damn thing. but everything else looked ok, so we accepted it.
and then the next morning we pulled the old motor, and she sat like this for the next week, waiting for a clutch.
then i ordered these
they were a bitch to mount, but they should be a kick ass tire from everything i have heard.
and finally here is the new motor ready to go in
we finished my trans yesterday morning, and now we are just waiting on my spec clutch. shipped today apperently after ordering it sat, and i am told if should be here asap. but we will see. as soon as my clutch gets here from gravana we are good to go.
Very nice Mike! Can't wait to see it back on the road!
Is that a reconditioned motor or a crate? Looks nice... get it up and running!
I saw the engine in person, it was pretty
, nice tires too, would have been my next set of tires after the generals wore out. But....sigh no more cavy
nice.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 so iguess with that clutch you might actually be able to beat me then huh??!!!
should be a crate, but with gm you never know
and dave, if the damn clutch ever gets here, it wont be a problem.
update, the clutch got here this afternoon. the install should happen tommarow, depending how many walk ins we have in the morning. @!#$ customers.... haha