looks amazing man! keep it up!
Clean, simple, sweet!!
Not over done at all and with the FMI staring at you...not much more you can ask for!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
Better than sex... (by your self anyhow)
"The FACTS are always subject to CHANGE once the TRUTH is applied"
"In the entire history of man the only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked"
love the fact the front bumper doesnt have waves...
ive fallen in love with your spoiler now, i used to HATE it, it now looks tits for some reason
back bumper looks much better than i thought it would, def. think the IF rear looked better, but hey-maybe thats what makes the spoiler look good
your engine is FTMFW, i usually hate red, you've pulled it off amazingly perfect
-love the polished charge pipes
-love how you keep everything red or polished
-your attention to detail is god like
-its clean, and awesome
-damn you lost the AC??!?!?!
your car is awesome, clever, original and one of my absolute favs on here. you sir have a talent. GREAT WORK!
Don't know if I could do without A/C with my car being Black.
You are lucky yours is White! lol
Seems to me like it's missing something? Bumper mesh perhaps?
It looks really nice though!
DAMN! the car looks great!!!!
Thanks alot everybody..
Yeah, I got rid of the ac because I wanted it to look cleaner and also the ac line was rubbing against my charge pipe after a while, so I ditched the whole setup.
Brad, thanks for the comments man.. Yeah alot of people are partial to my rear bumper, I love it because I just think its simple, yet agressive.
Btw, the car is raised on my coils because im getting my exhaust done this weekend, so It needs to get up on the lift..
Things that are to come.
Make an intake for the cold side of the turbo
Baer rear conversion.
Make the rear seat like the front, custom leather.
Change out my gauges to make them all match.
And over the winter, drop the motor and take it apart again.. I think the rod bearings are getting ate up.. Plus, 2.3 oil pump conversion.
Thanks again.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
Boy the hours I've helped put into this car. David you really are going to have to start pushin' me more to get mine done soon. Can't wait to roll out side by side together around town. Looks great man....
spoiler = baller!!
beautiful all the way around!!
loving it
what year celica is your spoiler off of?

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
Joey Baggs (Eazy716) wrote:spoiler = baller!!
You have to be kidding me
if i ever got back into modding, and the cavi scene i would want my car to look like yours. Except with a/c (im fat and i love my ac lmao)
very nice man i love your car
theres not a single thing i would change
love it as always

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
first off buy a better camera lol
engine bay looks very nice
new rear is nice
get a c/f trunk, but i love it very nice overall