I searched but can't find any pics of a Buddy Club 2 kit with a Drift rear. Can someone photoshop me some pics.
These are olds pics. Didn't have any new pics without the ugly frickin spolier.
please dont tell me your gonna change bumpers! that would be a mistake IMO!
well i got a buddy in my club that is actually gonna do the buddy club 2 front bumper with the drift rear. but hes too lazy to put them on right now
, if nobody posts pics i guess ill try to get some when he does his.
I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
oh god, thank you for ditching the park bench.
please dont tell me your gonna change bumpers! that would be a mistake IMO!
I cracked up my Buddy Club 2 rear up real good . I'm debating on either getting another Buddy Club 2 or Drift rear or putting on my stock LS Sport rear.
I would do anything but the drift. I really dislike that bumper. The LS would probably look pretty good.
If you do the 03-05 ls sport rear that would probably match up the best, just get the embeded CHEVROLET filled in before you paint it.
Is the LS-sport last generation bumper low enough to line up to the rest of the BC2 kit..? That would be my only concern. You know it'll fit the best of them all.. I've had one interesting time to get my BC2 and Type-J kit combo to line up.
The last gen bumper is going to be a little higher but it won't look bad, the BC2 rear bumper is too damn low if its an everyday driver.
my car is an everyday driver and i have no problems
*knock on wood*
I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
buddy clu 2 rear. dont get drift.and if you put the ls on it was run as smooth with the rest of the kit. it would look like you ran out of money lol. thats what i would do. but the ls is nice dont get me wrong but i wouldnt mix and match it with an aftermarket kit
ppl always talk @!#$ about j-bodys, but why is it when i drive by all they seem to do is "kplookn"